Friday, July 14, 2023

So many choices

 Keith Olbermann's daily podcast now appears on YouTube and I have come to rely on it to defibrillate my day (I'm way past needing a mere jump-start).  I admire the way he manages to boil down the "miscreants, morons and Dunning-Kruger Effect specimens" he calls "Worst Person in the World" to just one.  (The original WPITW was Bob & Ray's designation for the never-named John Simon, misogynistic theater critic voted the most hated Serb since Gavrilo Princip.)  Today it feels like there are so many candidates...well, I can't choose one even by eliminating the regulars.

Brought to you by Kretchford Braid and Tassel.  Next time you think of braid or tassel, rush into your neighborhood store and shout, "Kretchford!"  I totally love Bob & Ray.

(7) James Nott of Mount Washington, Kentucky, was arrested on gun charges.  Why is this interesting?  The feds who arrested him found his apartment decorated with human skulls related to the ever-expanding Harvard Medical School stolen body parts case.  Gun charges?

(6) Christine Geiger co-owns a hair salon in Traverse City, Michigan, and wants it known that LGBTQ people are NOT welcome.  But she couldn't leave it at that SCOTUS-approved place:  "If a human identifies as anything other than a man/woman please seek services at a local pet groomer."  She went on to insult Governor Whitmer and connect trans people with pedophilia.  And on and on.  If I had to guess, I'd say she plans on running for something, maybe challenging Kristina Karamo for head Michigan idiot.

(5) Confirming the diagnosis of Nikki Haley, Fox News expert and covid disinformationist Dr. Marc Siegel gave Joe Biden a 50-percent chance of surviving a second term, while fellow expert Piers Morgan gravely agreed that "he seems to be degenerating."  Siegel, an internist who coached Trump through his triumphant cognitive test ("Person, woman, man, camera, TV"), has never treated Biden.  Neither has Morgan.

(4) Four years of medical school down the drain but she's got a ton of Tik-Tok fans.  Katharine Grawe a/k/a Dr. Roxy has lost her medical license in Ohio for livestreaming plastic surgery procedures, causing at least three patients to suffer serious complications while she chatted into the camera.  

(3)  This is Alfred Guenigault, 98 and a veteran of D-Day.  He's not the worst-person candidate.  That would be his unnamed landlord, who evicted him, his daughter and son-in-law from the bungalow in Ferndown, Dorset, where they have lived for seven years.  He moved into a single room in a hostel; his daughter, who is also his carer, now lives down the hall.  "I don't want to make a fuss," Mr. Guenigault said.  "I suppose life goes on.  The problem is I have lived too long."  The landlord's kids want to sell up while house prices are sky high.  They probably never heard of D-Day.

(2) With so many disgusting life-forms in this Congress, a freshman has an uphill crawl to stand out from the mob.  Eli Crane (R-AZ) made his bid as his cult party dismantled diversity requirements in the National Defense Authorization Act:  "My amendment has nothing to do with whether or not colored people or Black people or anybody can serve."  Rep. Joyce Beatty (D-OH) asked that his 1950s language be stricken from the Congressional Record.  I think it should have stood as testament to the Republican mindset in 2023.  (Which Foxmouth will be the first to say, "Well, it's still called the National Association for the Advancement of COLORED People," with maximum smarm?)

(1) Crane's competition comes from Matt Rosendale of Montana's newly created 2nd District:  "We have drag shows at Malmstrom Air Force Base.  There are 150 ICBM missiles that are being controlled by the air force base and by these individuals.  I do not want someone who doesn't know if they are a man or a woman with their hand on a missile button."  Some balsamic vinegar dressing with your word salad, Congressman?  

Here are some captured British soldiers putting on a drag show during World War I.  Nevertheless  Britain defeated Germany.

Brought to you by the Auburn Motor Car Company, makers of fine automobiles up to, but not including, 1938.  



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