Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The fallout continues

 It's on!  Mississippi legislator Price Wallace is not at all happy with the results of last week's election and tweets, "We need to succeed from the union and form our own country."  Sorry, Rep. Wallace, the Hee Haw auditions are across the street.

Brand loyalty.  You know how somebody dies between the primary and the general and gets elected anyway because there's an R next to his name?  This is better.  The now-adult children of freshly elected Missouri representative Rick Roeber are asking the House to deny him his seat because he physically and sexually abused them when they were young.  Their story was published last month by the Kansas City Star but evidently did not impress "Show Me" voters, some of whom have no trouble believing that Democrats eat babies.

Don't show me.  Mark and Patricia McCloskey, gun enthusiast-lawyers of St. Louis, are suing UPI and photographer Bill Greenblatt alleging that the photograph of them threatening unarmed protesters was taken on their property and therefore they would like monies.  (Personal injury lawyers, did I mention?) 

Grudge much?  AAA of Oregon/Idaho won't be using this guy again.  It's not so much his refusing service to a car with a Biden sticker as his then trying to run the Democrat over.   Let's be careful out there!

Brain trust.  Could it be?  Powder power couple Kimberly Guilfoyle and Junior Trump are jockeying to take control of the Republican National Committee.  People are still talking about their speeches at last August's "convention," especially people producing a new series of "This is your brain on drugs" PSAs.  Don't forget little brother, who tweeted this today:

   Turf war!  The North Lawn of the White House is missing.  The National Park Service says it's "routine turf restoration" and the missing turf will most certainly not show up at a Trump golf course in Kazakhstan.  First Jackson's magnolia, then Jackie Kennedy's rose garden, now this.  "Scorched earth" is not a metaphor with this gang.

It's not over till it's over.  The merry pranksters of the Lincoln Project are having too much fun to go home.  They're now encouraging calls to the two law firms that are filing suits to overturn the election results.  I will not give their numbers because it would be wrong to annoy the low-level, underpaid employees who have to field calls.  If I get the personal numbers of the lawyers, it's a different story.

Kentucky attorney general Daniel Cameron, who says the cop who killed Breonna Taylor in her bed might be guilty of annoying her neighbors, has signed on with the Trump Dream Team.  It should be easy enough to get his phone number.

Last stop on the gravy train...all change.  Mike Pompeo promises "a smooth transition to a second Trump administration" when he plans to have the State Department build an extension on his garage and maybe one of those car-elevators like the Romneys have.  Allegedly.  

Feel my wrath, puny scientist!  Trump has fired Dr. Michael Kuperberg, the head of the US Global Change Research Program for the last five years.  Apparently he just found out the USGCRP exists.  It will be interesting to see how many of these tantrum dismissals are instantly re-hired by the Biden administration.  Go ahead, try it with Fauci.  Please.

The doctor is worried.  "Stay vigilant -- this is an attempted coup," warns Mary Trump.  She uses the word "obscene" to describe her uncle's desperate flailing.  It's been quiet lately, with Trump hiding in the White House.  I still don't know why he drove home Saturday instead of taking the helicopter, exposing himself to the bird-flipping, sign-waving crowds in Washington.  Maybe it's too quiet.


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