Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Crossing the bar


I understand vandalizing Democratic Party headquarters in Houston, a Jewish cemetery in Grand Rapids, even the office of Rep. Conor Lamb.  I don't understand vandalizing the World War I Museum in Kansas City (above).  Do the Trumpanzees know that Black Jack Pershing wasn't actually Black?

Today, and of course I wasn't watching, it sounds like Trump made his Farewell to the Troops of Idiots Who Watch "Fox & Friends."   He hasn't enjoyed the last four years as much as he anticipated because America is just a very hard place to govern, unlike Russia, China and North Korea.  We're a restless people who think we're entitled to criticize Leaders.  You don't see that in Beijing or Pyongyang.  You see it sometimes in Moscow, and then they get out the polonium.  What else does Baron Munchausen of Queens grieve over?

"We have very, very deceptive people.  We have some people that, you know, I think they have, I think they're sick, in some ways, like an Adam Schiff, I think Adam Schiff is a sick person."

Nobody asked him how he had been deceived by Adam Schiff, or even what he thinks it means.  Maybe he's just given up trying to make the words connect up with reality.  He also says Kamala Harris becoming the first woman president "would be a very terrible thing for women."  See?

Harris is campaigning today in Detroit, unusual for election day.  Joe Biden visited the grave of his son Beau, causing Hogan Gidley to sneer, "Anyone know if Joe Biden has called a 'lid' yet?"  I wonder if he's the source of the weird claim that the Biden administration will knock down the Washington Monument for some unspecified reason.  Is Trump really counting on a last-minute surge of support from the Friends of the Washington Monument?  As George Ade once wrote, "Don't try to Figure it out."  

Even though he's as Superman-like as ever and itching to go mano-a-mano with Biden, the truth is Trump is tired.  He whined about having to hold a microphone during his last assault on Kenosha.  After he threatened not to pay the audio contractor there were problems with the sound.  Funny thing is, it worked fine for Mike Pence a few minutes earlier.  Not all contractors can be bullied, he finally learns at the age of 74.

Trump -- all right, Stephen Miller -- says he hasn't written a concession speech yet.  He wanted to take another look at Hitler's Political Testament (short precis:  "Fuck all you Germans, you're not worthy of ruling the world with me").

In conclusion, here's an inspiring story about Allie Young leading young Navajo to the polling station. Two hours on horseback, and you can't stand in line for a few minutes?


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