Friday, August 23, 2019

This is the week that is

ThumbnailThe Twenty-fifth Amendment will not save us.  It was written wrong.  It presupposes a Cabinet of responsible, intelligent adults who care about this country, not the crew of grifters, toadies and morons we've had since James Mattis quit.  Did it not occur to the authors that a depraved, treasonous president would choose creatures in his own image?   And that a supine Senate would confirm them?

In no particular order, some of this week's meshugas:

Proposed -- again -- that the Fourteenth Amendment, with its guarantee of birthright citizenship, be repealed with a simple order from him

Suggested he receive the Medal of Honor for some unspecified act of heroism, possibly the "millions of dollars" he claims to have foregone in order to serve us (not to be confused with the Purple Heart, which he deserves for dodging HIV while surveying New York pussy in the 1980s)

Slandered his own freshly-appointed Federal Reserve chair for saying that "monetary policy...cannot provide a settled rulebook for international trade," demanding, "Who is our bigger enemy, Jay [sic] Powel [sic] or Chairman Xi?"

Ordered all American companies to cease trading with China, which is not a power granted him by the Constitution but which frightened the stock market anyway  -- inspired by

Proclamation from some superstition-peddler named Wayne Allyn Root; retweeted entire Root statement declaring, "The Jewish people in Israel love he is the second coming of god!"  Modestly told reporters* at the daily lawn party, "I am the Chosen One...Somebody had to do it so I'm taking on China."

Questioned the "loyalty" and intelligence of Jews who vote for Democrats, then did it again

Decreed through an underling that inmates in border concentration camps be held indefinitely and denied flu vaccine

Decreed through an underling that Planned Parenthood not receive federal funds unless it stops providing abortion services

Urged on by Sen. Tom Cotton, who appointed himself Secret Secretary of State during the Obama administration, demanded that Denmark sell Greenland to the United States; had a hissy-fit when they declined, cancelled a state visit to one of America's most reliable allies

Insisted again that Russia be re-admitted to the G7, while Russian prisons overflow with dissidents

Took credit for Woodstock ("I told Hendrix he should play our beautiful National Anthem") -- I threw that in to see if you're paying attention

Ran away from background checks for gun purchases like it was a bowl of salad

Dispatched Rudolph Giuliani to Ukraine to dig up dirt on Joe Biden's son Hunter

(Wool and acrylic?  No wonder their brains are coddled.)

* In the days before air conditioning, British diplomats in Washington received hardship pay.  Reporters who have to listen to Trump's slurred nonsense should get the same.


Blogger The New York Crank said...

Why are you being so hard on our President? I mean, shucks, nobody's perfect.

Yours crankily,
The New York Crank

1:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll grant that nobody's perfect, but the creature, by example, raises the question of whether or no its possible to be perfectly imperfect.

2:26 PM  

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