Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Yesterday in 25th Amendment news

It's not about "origins/oranges," hilarious as that is.  I myself spent two days trying to remember who directed the unbearably awful movie Lisztomania and finally looked it up.  (Ken Russell)  Never mind why.  There's a thing called selective aphasia where words play hide-and-seek in your brain.  "Default" and "diverticulitis" are currently on my list.  If you're old, you probably have your own list.  It's not putting-the-keys-in-the-freezer level yet.

Nor is it mispronouncing countries you have never heard of and don't care about.  After all, Zambia and Gambia exist, why not Nambia?  If you work for the water department or play in a zydeco band, this shouldn't be a problem.  As long as your job doesn't involve foreign relations or public speaking, you're fine.

Being unable, on multiple occasions, to remember where your father was born could be more troubling, even if you hated the old bastard.  Of course, hearers may assume an ulterior motive if you have a long history of lying about birthplaces.  They will spend precious minutes (of airtime) wondering why you are lying now, or assume that you are not in your right mind.  (There was, after all, that absentee ballot back in 2017 where you got your own date of birth wrong...)  Which brings us to the topic of today's homily.

Stumbling over words, for whatever reason (ignorance, ill-fitting dentures, Adderall abuse) is not a serious problem.  I once heard Lyndon Johnson pronounce Penelope as "PEN-a-lope," and we could amuse ourselves all day with George W. Bush.  The problem is statements like these:

"If you have a windmill anywhere near your house, congratulations, your house just went down 75% in value.  And they say the noise causes cancer, you tell me that one.  RERRR!  RERRR!"

"Sure, [closing the US-Mexican border] is going to have a negative impact on the economy ("potentially catastrophic" is the phrase Mitch McConnell used).  Security to me is more important to me than trade."  So much for $1.7 billion a day.  "To be honest with you, we have to get rid of judges."

Puerto Rico is "a mess -- nothing works," and Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz of San Juan is "crazed and incompetent...they only take from USA."  And you thought they were the USA.

These are from this week, not the Idiot Archive.  If he believes any of this, it's time for the butterfly net.


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