Saturday, March 30, 2019

People, please

Do not take to the social medias to sneer that Trump is too old and fat to throw a baseball sixty feet.  Downhill.  To a man who is trained to block bad pitches.

Do not point out that William Howard Taft did it.  Also FDR while seated in the stands.

You know it isn't true. He is the healthiest individual in the history of the world in spite of the wheezing and the bonespurs and the tiny, barely noticeable weight problem.

The problem is, no matter how diligently the Secret Service vetted the crowd, someone would boo.  Or laugh.  Then he would waddle off the field, neck-lard rippling with rage, and rush back to the White House.  He would climb aboard the golden toilet and spend the next two days tweeting about how baseball fans are dumb and stupid and ugly and probably treasonous, and golf is a much better sport anyway, and probably most of them are Mexicans.  He might even rage-eat himself into a coma, or choke to death on a "hamberder," and nobody wants that, right?


So just show some restraint.  We're better than this.

I'll bet Elizabeth Warren could hit the cut-off man.


Blogger MarkS said...

As the French would say "beem!"

5:02 PM  

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