Sunday, March 17, 2019

"They are us"

Prime Minister Jacinda Arvern did not identify the victims of Friday's massacre as immigrants or as Muslims, but as New Zealanders.  It's a very small country, with fewer people than Houston.  This is their 9/11.

If it's any comfort, the murderer is an Australian.  So is the senator who rushed to a microphone to blame the crime on immigration and got egged by a heroic young man (also Australian, I assume).  (This asshole, who got a total of nine votes because Australia's electoral system appears to be even worse than America's, had previously called for the "final solution to the immigration problem.")  So is Sky Australia, a Murdoch enterprise, which refused to stop streaming the murder porn recorded by the killer and was eventually blocked by its New Zealand affiliate.  Australia's immigration policy is pretty terrible, with asylum-seekers confined for months on a small island before being returned, often, to war zones.  They recently revoked the visa of professional Islamophobe Milo Yiannopoulos, which is something, I guess.  Also, Australian laws about the acquisition of military-grade weapons are a lot stricter than New Zealand's.  Maybe that's why he didn't shoot up a mosque in Melbourne.

Violent lunatics have been writing manifestos for years, but I believe this was the first to praise a sitting President* of the United States by name.   Said office-holder tweeted his "best wishes" to New Zealand, as if they had just won a rugby title, but does not accept the premise that white nationalism is a problem anywhere.  On the contrary.  When Congress voted to end his fake "emergency" invoked to exclude brown people with WALL, he threatened them with official and auxiliary violence.  The cave dwellers have found a chieftain.

During the usual St. Patrick's Day duty-call by the Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar,  the office-holder threatened to visit Ireland.  (Varadkar brought his partner, Matthew Barrett, and I completely loved the expression on Pence's face in the photo.  Mother wasn't there -- that would have lent legitimacy to their relationship, or maybe it was her day to teach hate art, but Mike drafted his sister.  She looked like she didn't want to be there.)  Don't worry, New Zealand, the office-holder doesn't even know where you are.

Be at peace.


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