Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Numbers crunch

The Department of Defense, which has never been short of cash, proposes to cut 35% from the operating budget of The Stars and Stripes, the paper written by and for the troops continuously since 1942.  (There were earlier versions during the Civil War and World War I.)  Because the all-important WALL won't pay for itself, and neither will Mexico.  The CDC is also facing a budget cut, but the coronavirus will soon be all better because of the warm weather, although it's February and any warm weather will be definitely not due to climate change, which coincidentally is a Big Chinese Hoax.  Maybe the pandemic is, too?  Wheels within wheels, people.

One Rhode Island parish is cracking down -- on pro-choice Catholic legislators.  Rev. Richard Bucci has named 44 state lawmakers who are barred from communion, witnessing marriages, reading at funerals and even becoming godparents, and all because they voted for the Reproductive Privacy Act intended to rescue Roe v. Wade from the clutches of Boofer Brett and the rest.  The money quote:  "Pedophilia doesn't kill anyone and this does."  Is there something you want to share, father?

To prove he can president as well as Trump, Joe Biden called a voter "a lying dog-faced pony soldier,"  He apparently thinks it's a quote from a John Wayne movie, but that doesn't make things any clearer.  It sounds more like a line from The Sundowners, if you know what I mean.

The Senate won't be taking up three election security bills which were blocked by Masha Blackburn (R-Smolensk).  Apparently preventing foreign interference in elections is exclusively a liberal issue, which speaks Tolstoy-length volumes.

And a law firm in the Bay area has hired a homeless couple to serve eviction notices.  Time to change the battery in my irony detector.  Again.


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