Wednesday, February 05, 2020

The hates just keep coming

Someone -- maybe Wilfred Owen? -- wrote that the worst thing about war was not what happened to the soldiers, but what it required them to do to others.  If they lived, that was the thing they lived with, and only a psychopath could look back with pleasure on killing.

I find, on reflection, that this is what Trumpism is doing to millions of decent people, a demographic in which I once located myself.  I read online comments from people who want to do unspeakable things to the unspeakable lieutenants of this monstrous regime.  Every day some fresh outrage drives us to the wall, and to the depths of imagination once left to Hieronymus Bosch and Edgar Allan Poe.  Trump is making us as cruel, depraved and conscienceless as he has always been.  The few decent people who entered his service -- military officers mostly -- left sad and disillusioned.  The ones who remain are simply, anonymously tragic.

How else can I account for the satisfaction I felt on reading that Rush Limbaugh has advanced lung cancer?  Or says he does -- Jabba the Rush is not celebrated for his close working relationship with the truth.  Usually cancer seems to single out good people like John Lewis and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, so this was one for our side, and there have been too few points on this side of the scoreboard.  What devoted Dittohead will blow his head off like Denzel in John Q so Rush can have his lungs?  Maybe more than one?  If it was a lie, it's working -- the other fat racist slung a medal on him at his DC political rally last night.  I don't want to think about Jabba more than I have to; for a compendium of his greatest hits, go here.  Someone who has abused narcotics for so long is going to have an especially hard time with end-stage metastasis.  Farts and prayers, Rushie.

As symbolic gestures go, it will be a while before anyone beats the Speech Shred.  The squeals from all the Trumpanzees only add to the fun.  Charlie Kirk (?) did his homework and announced, "Nancy Pelosi may have just committed a violation of 18 U.S.C. Section 2071(a) when she ripped up President Trump's State of the Union address.  This violation is punishable by up to three years in prison."  Apparently he forgot about this.  Trump spent the morning frantically -- is "Adderall-y" a word? -- re-tweeting this and other fatuous comments about the unconscionable rudeness displayed by the Speaker whose hand he refused to shake.  So irony all around and put it on my tab.

After making sure there were enough votes for acquittal, Willard "Mitt" Romney voted to convict the Russian puppet.  You want a cookie to go with the chocolate milk, Mittens?

What's the matter with Iowa?  I don't know and I don't care.  Scrape the cow shit off your boots and move on, preferably to a state that doesn't look like a Norman Rockwell cover with Nazis.

Did anyone seriously believe we would be saved by someone named Lamar?

Let's end with a laugh at the expense of the vile Katie Hopkins.  No Medal of Freedom for her.

I'll be in my den.


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