Sunday, October 13, 2019

Wellness check

Do not call the Ft. Worth police if you notice that your neighbor's door is ajar.  Unless she is white.  Do Texas police get any kind of training, or are they just shown all the Death Wish movies?

Today in puppet news:  It looks as if the 1993 Open Skies Treaty will be torn up on orders from Moscow.  The regime is hoping that the impeachment and the betrayal of the Kurds will distract everyone from one more outrage.

In a time of torchlight parades, concentration camps and synagogue shootings, it was inevitable that books would be burned.  Congratulations to Georgia Southern University for being the first.  Go Eagles.

If Elizabeth Warren becomes president, a lot of people will go into physical shock, as when a starving person gorges on chocolate until he dies.  Not only is she astonishingly smart, she's also funny and she doesn't care who knows it.  Real humor, ladies and gentlemen, not feeble taunts and playground nicknames.  At the LGBTQ forum on Thursday she was the star of the show, responding to that gotcha question that if you believe marriage involves one man and one woman, "Then just marry one woman...assuming you can find one."  Thank you, Los Angeles!  And really, there is no other answer; all she added was the Jack Benny timing.  When someone speaking for the superstitious tries to corner her on choice she should respond, "If you don't believe in abortion, don't have one."  Don't tell me what you believe and I won't tell you what I believe, and we'll get along fine.

Evangelical koan:  What could separate a lying, treasonous adulterer from his adoring disciples?  Why, abandoning Syria, with its significant Christian minority, to a rejuvenated Islamic State.  The faith-based have joined farmers, workers and many others in the dawning realization that they have been well and truly punked, and it couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch.  It's a while since I read the New Testament, but I distinctly remember a story about a guy who got mugged and left by the side of the road.  None of his own people would help, and he would have died there had not a despised Samaritan come along.  I think the storyteller meant that we're all supposed to help one another, not just people who look like us or share our beliefs.  Maybe the Prosperity Gospel crowd has a different testament.  They don't seem too interested in all those (probable) Catholics in the ICEstapo camps, either.

But they will baptize your ass with extreme prejudice.


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