Late but nasty

There were many candidates for Nasty Woman of the Month, including Juli Briskman (who gave Trump a middle-finger salute and lost her job as a result), but in the end, we had to honor Karen Fonseca, pictured with her husband Al and Al's truck. Sheriff Tony Nehls objected to the original message ("FUCK TRUMP AND FUCK YOU IF YOU VOTED FOR HIM"), and arrested Karen on a 2015 warrant for fraud. Free on $1,500 bond, she added "FUCK TONY NEHLS etc.") and kept on truckin'. Nehls, who is not the brightest, bragged about his activities on Facebook, attracting the attention and admonishment of the ACLU. Also national publicity. At fifteen dollars apiece, the first sticker is selling faster than the printer can turn them out, with proceeds going to the Fort Bend County Democratic Party for their effort to get elderly voters to the polls. All this is happening in Texas, and somewhere Ann Richards and Molly Ivins are smiling and sharing a Rolling Rock. And Sheriff Nehls is reconsidering his plan to run for Congress.
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