Tuesday, April 25, 2023

If I may interrupt

 Some quarters of the internet are still giddy about the disappearing of Tucker Carlson (yes, Wonkette, you know I love you but come on), so I thought it was time to consider some other news.

Americans and maybe others were dosing themselves with horse dewormer to cure covid but that's a choice.  It's not ethical to give people drugs to animals.  I'm talking about the pranksters at the University of Oregon who have been feeding cannabinoids to earthworms to give them the munchies.  Soaking them in it, according to the article -- of course they crave snacks.  What wouldn't?  I'm also talking about a less formal experiment going on in Arkansas, where Bridgette Watkins has been adopting fawns.  She feeds them meth in the hope that they will attack hunters when they grow up.  Fed, I should say, because the police arrested her Friday.  A neighbor discovered her wearing a duct tape bikini and dismantling his clock radio, which one of the fawns allegedly stole.  No charges have been filed against the fawn.

The criminal career of Clarence Thomas is focusing unwanted attention on the whole Supreme Court, with those pesky reporters digging up all sorts of interesting stuff.  For example, it looks like Neil Gorsuch had no luck unloading a luxurious vacation house in rural Colorado until Trump/McConnell/The Federalist Society put him in the seat they stole from Merrick Garland.  Then like magic a lawyer named Brian Duffy appeared and bought the place for $1.8 million.  Does Duffy's firm argue cases before the US Supreme Court?  Nearly two dozen in six years.  Why do you ask?

The law in Oklahoma concerning the termination of pregnancy is so restrictive and so confusing that women are fleeing the state to save their lives.  Ironically, these are women who wanted to continue their pregnancies but miscarried; nevertheless, they are turned away by doctors and emergency rooms afraid of prosecution.  A 21st century John Steinbeck should write a book about these latter-day "Okies" just trying to survive in a pitiless time.

It's hard to say who's taking Tuckerdammerung harder, Peter Navarro or Solovyov Live.  Navarro raged at Brian Kilmeade ("cowardly scumbag") for even thinking he could replace the king of white nationalist TV, while Russian state television hasn't witnessed such grief since the death of Stalin.  Vladimir Solovyov cried, "Tucker, come work with us!" adding "Freedom to Tucker Carlson."  He may not be aware that when you're fired from American propaganda TV you do not go directly to a labor camp.  

"We like our beer cold not woke," tweeted the actual governor of Arkansas as she and some of her sister-governors launched a line of beer koozies to keep your brew chill and let people know you're not chugging that Bud Lite.  "Real Woman" they say (get it?).  If I have to drink beer while being stared at by Sarah Sanders, Kay Ivey, Kristi Noem or Kim Reynolds, I'll need a lot more than one.

Joe Biden announced that he's running for a second term (but he's so old!).  

Harry Belafonte died at the age of 96.  People are living longer.  Not long enough, though.




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