Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Can't stop the process

 Ronny "Candyman" Jackson, the latest reason to worry about how America trains doctors, has discovered that the most important job of a freshman representative is fundraising.  Unable to deliver anything to his district or state, even common sense like "put on the damn mask," he has decided the best way to attract attention in a particularly unhinged crowd of first-termers is to pretend he is medically qualified to diagnose Joe Biden's mental capacity.  In fluent unhinged he tweeted, "Remember when I said it was time to consider the 25th Amendment and the LIARS in the liberal press ATTACKED me?  I wonder what they think now after Biden is very OBVIOUSLY mentally incapable of leading during a crisis?  Something MUST be done!"  With extraordinary prescience he said last month, "There is something serious going on with this man...they're going to have to use the 25th Amendment to get rid of this man right now."  He'll be saying it at every maskless fund-raiser, too.  

I'm not prepared to speak for "the liberal press," but I want to point out that "this man" was opposed to the Obama surge that was supposed to shore up Afghanistan's armed forces, according to Rajiv Chandrasekaran's now-forgotten book Little America:  The War Within the War For Afghanistan.  (Not forgotten by Lee Papa, The Rude Pundit, who brought it to my attention.)  Back in 2009, Vice-President Biden wrote a memo warning that the surge was based on flawed intelligence.  It went ahead anyway.  Twelve years and much bloodshed later, President Biden is cleaning up the mess because somebody has to.  That's the opposite of incapacity.

Here's what incapacity sounded like a month ago:   "I started the process, all the troops are coming home, they couldn't stop the process.  Twenty-one years is enough.  They couldn't stop the process, they wanted to but couldn't stop the process."  Yes, that was Jackson's former patient talking about his deal with the Taliban, who he believes have been around for "a thousand years."  Stop the process, stop the process, who's in charge of administering dope-slaps these days?

Get your Schadenfreude out!  Texas is reporting 20,000 covid cases a day and yesterday one of them was Greg Abbott, who tested positive hours after a y'all-crowd-in-and-breathe-on-one-another fundraiser in Collin County.  Abbott says he was fully vaccinated plus a booster (available to some of us next month maybe) and is getting the wonder drug Regeneron despite being asymptomatic.  He's isolating in the governor's mansion, much nicer than a crowded apartment, and if he needs an infusion of virgin blood, virgins are standing by.  Dr. Vin Gupta of NBC News describes Abbott as "anxious and scared" but that can't be -- he's a Texan.

And he's not the only moral vacuum in the Lone Star State, by a long scratch.  Following a leak of hydrogen sulfide the Harris County Pollution Control Services Department issued an advisory to stay indoors if possible and wear a mask.  That was the magic word that set off a state representative with the unimprovable name Briscoe Cain:  "What in the sweet libtard hell is this?  Stay inside & wear a face mask to avoid exposure to hydrogen sulfide?"  I inhale toxic fumes every day and it ain't never made me dumb, he didn't need to add.  How long before Texas Trumpanzees start demanding that surgeons take off the damn masks?

Trump knows where to reach the ignorant and stupid, which is why he has abandoned his marginal social media outlet for The SpongeSean Squareface Show.  Here he is admitting to criminal incompetence while praising himself at the same time:  "I have never realized how important, frankly...a president, the head of this country, is.  I thought it would maybe run through bureaucracy, it doesn't.  You need somebody up there that they are going to respect."  (Translation:  I thought I would watch TV until noon every day, give medals to people who praise me, sign some papers, tear up the ones I didn't like and play golf every weekend.  Who knew?  But I'm probably greater than Lincoln and Biden is a loser.)   And Hannity's audience respond, "Hallelujah!  Make America great again again!  Who stole my pudding cup?"

We close, because I don't want to think about these bipeds anymore, with a quote from the one and only Six-gun Boebert:  "I'm a Christian.  So they may try to drive me to my knees, but that's where I'm the strongest."  Who's "they," Lauren?  Don't mention BJs.  Is it the scary Taliban Muslims, Lauren?  Don't think about BJs.  Are you worried about the health department in Cowpat, Colorado?  Just don't.  Better put the safety on before you hit your knees.  Shit happens.



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