Wednesday, February 10, 2021

"Remember this day forever!"


Senate Republicans study impeachment evidence

(Not pictured:  Josh Hawley, relaxing in the gallery)

It's easy to be on a jury when you already know the outcome.  A lot of brilliant work by some former prosecutors was wasted on the Senate today, including a video presentation that climaxed with the horror of Officer Daniel Hodges being crushed in a door.  He survived.  Others lost fingers, an eye, or sustained brain injury.  The Blue Lives Matter mob barely glanced up until it was time for Mike Lee to bitch about Democrats' "inflammatory comments" regarding his suggestion that the terrorist inciter deserved a "mulligan."  (I had to look it up:  "an extra shot allowed after a poor shot."  As if Trump's whole life hasn't been one endless mulligan.)  Senator Lee was probably referring to the classic tasty stew.  Poor Donald must keep his strength up.

Other jurors were equally impartial, exactly five weeks after facing death at the hands of an armed mob.

"Welcome to the stupidest week in the Senate."  (Kevin Cramer (R-ND) 

"The trial is of dubious merit and even more dubious constitutionality."  (Rand Paul, R-KY)

"A complete waste of time."  (Rick Scott, R-FL)

"They hate Donald Trump...So I guess next year, I don't know, maybe it'll be the impeachment of Jimmy Carter, or the impeachment of Bill Clinton, or the impeachment of Barack Obama, because that's what we do in Januaries."  (Ted Cruz, R-TX)

But it's not just senators who are childish and dumb -- here's their House leader Kevin McCarthy:  "Everybody across this country is to blame.  Think about four years ago after Trump was sworn in.  What happened the very next day?  The title was 'resist,' with people walking in the streets..."

Walking in the streets.  In pink hats!  Twenty-four hours that shook the world.

He hasn't commented but apparently Chuck Grassley (R-IA) has an iPad hidden in his desk so he can read.  (Play solitaire, more likely.)

There might be a vote from Mitt Romney now that all the world has seen Officer Eugene Goodman escorting him out of danger, but the rest of these neo-Nazis can't be arsed.  I get it.  Impeachment is a political process and Bruce Castor was probably right when he suggested that Trump be indicted instead.  (Just as well he wimped out on prosecuting Bill Cosby.)  The Democrats are going to all this trouble to make sure every sentient voter, all 81 million of us, sees exactly what Trump did on the day he exulted, "Remember this day forever!" and "We love you."  When the Republicans endorse the murder of Brian Sicknick and the other atrocities, it becomes their big toasted shit sandwich.  

Remember this impeachment forever. 



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