Inquiring minds

What university president and professional Christian decided to (briefly) share this picture of himself at a party on his yacht? He wants it understood that no sinful alcohol was involved in his decision to lower his pants to half-staff and pose for a snapshot.
How do you pronounce "Yosemite"?

Why should you not drive while Black in Aurora, Colorado?

It took three cops with guns drawn and handcuffs applied to sort out a "misunderstanding" over a possibly stolen license plate with Brittney Gilliam and her daughters and nieces, ages 6 to 17. Sleep well, Aurora, the thin blue line will protect you.
John Lewis made one big mistake. He didn't attend Trump's inauguration. His absence was obvious because there are bigger crowds at a pre-covid mid-week Mariners-Orioles game. All these years later, it's still eating at Benedict Donald.
If Putin can't get the anti-government demonstrations in Kharabovsk under control, will Trump offer to send in troops?

Nevermind the "black water" in Falwell's glass. Who's the "good friend" with the half-undone shorts and the bellybutton?
Yours crankily,
The New York Crank
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