Monday, May 18, 2020

It's Mental Health Awareness Week

Consider yourself aware.

Trump says he's gobbling hydroxychloroquine like M&Ms, probably just to spite Dr. Bright.  For once, I hope he's telling the truth and his fat-clogged heart is about to begin dancing the macarena.

soccer team in South Korea decided to brighten up their empty stadium by positioning inflatable fans in the stands, and had to apologize when they turned out to be sex dolls.  This is a sore point in a country whose citizens were forced to serve as "comfort women" for Japanese troops during World War II.

William Barr, the only cabinet member with his own gravitational field, more or less admitted that his "investigation" into the Russia investigation is grade-A horseshit for political purposes only, and will not lead to criminal indictments of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Robert Mueller or anyone else.  Now the cable newsertainment shows can stop deploying the word "Obamagate" as if it has a basis in reality.  But they won't.

Because using the Justice Department as a  political hit squad is fine; criticizing Trump in the course of a commencement speech is "a political drive-by shooting," according to Karl Rove, who is apparently still alive.  And if "drive-by shooting" is not enough of a racist dog-whistle for the cult, Obama was also found to be not "articulate," the Jim-Crowing-with-faint-praise term for a person of color who does not talk like Hattie McDaniel playing Mammy.  He uses a Teleprompter!  No white real president would do that.

Now we know why Steve Linick is no longer State Department inspector general, and it's only partly because Pompeo used staff to run errands for him and his dog.  Linick was also investigating some hinky arms dealing with Jared's good friends/creditors in Saudi Arabia, based on what Chairman Eliot Engel of the House Foreign Affairs Committee called "Trump's phony declaration of an emergency."  The emergency facing the Sauds is the flatline price of oil, and the possibility that their checks may start bouncing if we wait too long to close the deal.

In honor of mental health awareness, let's close with Florida man Brian Hitchens, who admits he learned the hard way that Covid is real.  It happens sometimes.  If he and his wife recover, they're still not out of the woods -- they can expect retaliation from those who still insist it's a hoax.  Only on Twitter, I hope.


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