Conspiracy, or breathing together

Orchestrated by the Office of Science Denial, a division of the Reality Resistance, attacks on Anthony Fauci have risen to a shriek. Because the information he tried to give the Senate did not match the official fantasies, Fauci is being denounced for thoughtcrime, which in this context means having actual thoughts, probably based on "facts." Was he elected to anything? Did the Electoral College overrule the voters and put him in charge? No in thunder! cries Tucker Carlson, and therefore don't listen to the man with the education and the half-century of experience, listen to the infallible gut of the Leader. "Is Tony Fauci right about the science? Do we have any particular reason to think he is right?" Tear the mask off the next person you meet and share your COVID saliva -- for FREEDOM.
Distraction, distraction, needs more distraction...let's look in on the freshly-minted "Obamagate." It's "worse than Watergate." It's "the worst crime ever committed." An outrageous plot to defame the lamblike Michael Flynn, foreign agent and perjurer, and undermine the glorious Trump presidency. A conspiracy so immense that Lindsey Graham says he won't investigate it. Wait, what? What can he mean by "Be careful what you wish for?" Could Lindsey Graham have a vestigial conscience? Is he part of the conspiracy?
Of course the Russians were working for Hillary Clinton! People are saying so! The big Trump Tower meeting with all those unpronounceable names was to warn Donzo Jr. of the great big plot to make Putin's favorite Secretary of State president. To thank her for supporting Ukraine. Don't you watch OANN? Perhaps Putin too is part of the plot. To bring down the greatest president of all time requires a lot of wheels within wheels. The fake pandemic is just their final desperate gambit.
Yes, fake. Although Mike Pompeo already explained that the virus escaped from a laboratory in Wuhan though he is not allowed to back this up with actual information, Alex Jones explains that it isn't really a thing at all, just another -- yeah, conspiracy -- to harvest body parts from people, especially little babies, as part of a "global eugenics plot" being run by Governor Ralph Northam of Virginia. Those nurses are raking in the cash, too, for keeping their mouths shut. Is there a secret tunnel between the governor's mansion in Richmond and Hillary's pizzeria of death in Washington? There is if "people" say there is.
And that's why I feel like the three gentlemen at the top. The end. When is dinner?
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