Friday, November 29, 2019

The mask is off

There is no longer any question that anti-abortion laws are really anti-woman laws.  As the red states vie for the title of Cruelest in the Nation, Ohio surges ahead:

"A bill to ban abortion introduced in the Ohio state legislature requires doctors to 'reimplant an ectopic pregnancy' into a woman's uterus...or face charges of 'abortion murder.'  This is the second time practicing obstetricians and gynecologists have tried to tell the Ohio legislators that the idea is currently medically impossible."  (The Guardian)

No surprise that the same people who hate women also reject science, or facts in any form.  Gawd in his mysterious wisdom caused that beautiful little baby to grow in a Fallopian tube, and if the slut still wants to be rid of it because she would like to live, well, maybe she should have remained a virgin like the Blessed Mother.  Look, boys, there are two alternatives with an ectopic -- the embryo can be removed or the woman can die.  Either way, there isn't going to be a baby.  You can lock up all the ob/gyns, or you can shit-can your bill and think of some other way to make Ohio a theocracy like Iran.  Why do I bother?  It's like talking to a barrel of tar.

You know who could be helpful here?  The pope.  No, hear me out.  He was trained as a scientist and he must have some basic grasp of human biology.  For a pope to say "I hate abortion but this is just insane" would carry a lot of weight, even in Ohio.   Anyone have his email?


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