A festive gathering of morons in Sunrise, Florida, was startled to hear the star comedy attraction warn them that "some people" want to change the name of Thanksgiving. Don't worry, Trump assured them, he won't let that happen. Something something Fox News tertiary syphilis yadda yadda. Better defer the War on Thanksgiving until next year, whoever you are.
Former San Francisco Giant Aubrey Huff, like Trump, has a lot of time on his hands. He wants the Twitterverse to know that he has identified another front in the War on Stuff and is proactively teaching his children to shoot. You know, in case the election doesn't go the way he likes next year.
In other Florida news, Rick Wiles, the extremist cleric who runs something called TruNews, says the impeachment is the work of a "Jewish cabal." Despite its White House press accreditation, TruNews has been banned by the Jews who run YouTube because of some alleged policy against hate speech. See? It's a coup! By the Jews if we're lucky! Because this guy can't decide whether Adam Schiff (Jew) and Nancy Pelosi (woman) are "demon-possessed or non-human." I don't want to know what the test is, but I'm sure it involves fire.
In the real world, a major earthquake has occurred in Albania.

Have a good Black Friday Eve.
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