Thursday, October 31, 2019

Mischief nights

As you Samhain, so shall you reap.  Worst. pun. ever.

I don't know what Greenwich Mean time it is, I'm not good at those things, but I assume midnight is drawing nigh.  This was to be "Independence Day," the Day of the Deadline, when the Barely United Kingdom would throw off the shackles of Europe and begin paying more for Italian cheese and Belgian chocolate.  It isn't happening because the prime minister had no more success ramming a Brexit agreement through Parliament than his predecessor and, with much sulking, was forced to beg the EU for a three-month extension.  This was after the Supreme Court, which most people didn't even know they had, ruled that no, he could not just break up the House like a cocktail party he was tired of hosting.  Probably another general election will happen in December.  Britons are tired of all the voting, but they become equally restive if a campaign lasts more than six weeks, baffling as that is to Americans who never get a break from campaigning.  So far, BloJo has achieved a level of governmental incompetence that makes Theresa May look like Queen Elizabeth I.

Good Queen Bess would have been much amused by the antics of Republican congressclowns in the New World, squealing and squawking about the impeachment "cult" (very Halloweenish) and vowing to make civil war if the House proceeds to do its Constitutionally mandated duty.  Louie Gohmert (R-CSA) was shocked to discover that the Capitol Police are armed with loaded weapons which they have pointed at no elected official ever but just you wait.  It's all very, very funny.  Grave, I mean.  There's more of gravy than of grave about Louie, but the House voted to authorize an impeachment investigation by the relevant committees without a single Republican.  Even the fourteen or so who are quitting Congress were too frightened by the prospect of a nasty tweet to step over to the right side of history, and that's just silly.  Sad.  I'm all mixed up today.

My congratulations to the world champion Washington Nationals.  I am starting a GoFundMe to buy Trump season tickets.


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