Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Old Man Twitter

As the walls and the investigations close in, Field Marshal Bonespurs becomes steadily more demented.  This morning he woke up and -- well, read it yourself:

"...All Republicans must remember what they are witnessing here -- a lynching.  But we will WIN!"

Not even a "high-tech lynching" such as Clarence Thomas was subjected to, when the Senate Judiciary Committee (Joseph Biden, chairman) reluctantly listened to Professor Hill's accusations before confirming him.  In Trump's bottomless bucket of self-pity he can see the torches and hear the gathering, snickering mob.  If this were a real lynching, of course, there's no way he would win.  He would die hideously, most likely innocently.  Not surprising that he has no idea what lynching entails.  We learned last week that the Emoluments clause of the Constitution does not exist.

Did one of his keepers point out how insulting this is to the memory of thousands of Americans who were lynched in reality?  What do you think?

Did his Dixie lapdog (whose state proudly hosted 156 lynchings between 1882 and 1930) suggest that the choice of words was a little on the stupid side?  Here's Lindsey Graham:  "This is a lynching in every sense.  This is un-American."  Hold on, un-American?  Why, because they also lynch drug dealers in the Philippines and "witches" in Uganda?  "Mob rule is what lynching is all about."  That mob is the House of Representatives, the people we elected.  I know the Republicans have no use for democracy, but have some for the English language.  Some diehards wistfully recall the days when Graham had a backbone.  Turns out he and McCain were propping each other up.

"Without due process or fairness or any legal rights," sobs Trump (through an interpreter -- it's obvious He DIDN'T write this Tweet!).  Yes, a president could be impeached for just anything, like getting a blowjob.  Or for treason, bribery, obstruction of justice, violation of campaign finance laws, perjury, inciting violence, slander, and bringing the United States into disrepute and contempt.  (We don't impeach for stupidity.  Harding died in office and Bush II walked away.)

Expect the self-pity party to continue, and escalate.  Having shat on lynch victims, by next week Trump will be whimpering that the mean Democrats are trying to rape him.  At least that's an activity of which he has personal knowledge.


Blogger The New York Crank said...

" We learned last week that the Emoluments clause of the Constitution does not exist."

No no, you misunderstood. It most certainly exists. It's just that it's phony.

Makes perfect sense here on Mars.

Yours crankily,
The New York Crank

3:53 PM  

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