It's not the heat, it's the humiliation
Another bad week for the stable genius. Every week, it's like the last days in the bunker for that other genius, who also knew more than his generals.
After abandoning the Kurds (and a well-stocked American base) to the invading Turkish army, Commander Bonespurs wrote to his friend Erdogan suggesting that he might not want to do what he had been encouraged to do to all those "terrorists," concluding, "Don't be a fool!", a letter Erdogan understandably threw in the trash. "I told you that idiot would change his mind," he probably told aides. "And now I have to talk to the other idiot." Sure enough, Pence arrived to broker a "cease fire" which was nothing of the kind, didn't stop the bombing, and required the Iraqi Kurds to go somewhere else (unspecified, but you can be sure it doesn't mean the United States). So Erdogan got everything he wanted except Fethullah Gulen, who has taken refuge among the Amish if he knows what's good for him. It's the season for treachery.
As visions of emoluments danced in his head, Trump announced that the next G7 would pump some cash into his flatlining Miami resort. But before the staff could start bringing the kitchen up to code,
some of his Best People persuaded him that one more impeachable offense might create a deluge that even Moscow Mitch could not hold back. Or as the inevitable shitter-twitter put it, "Based on both Media & Democrat Crazed and Irrational Hostility," six leaders and their support staffs will get a reprieve next June, just as the House prepares to vote on the Articles of Impeachment. It should be quite a party, with Trump lobbying frantically for his boss Putin to be re-admitted and Ivanka circulating among the adults, trying to look like she knows the difference between the IMF and the World Bank. Biltmore is lovely in spring. Michael Jackson's Neverland? Area 51?
Maybe not impeachable -- although that branch of law breaks new ground every few hours -- but post-removal Trump should be charged with kidnapping. The Department of Homeland Security has not only ignored court orders to reunite families separated at the Mexican border, it is actively making the separations permanent by encouraging private adoption agencies to turn over (and probably sell) migrant children to American couples. One of them, Bethany Christian Services, is known to have ties to the Prince/DeVos crime syndicate. At adulthood, these children will probably find themselves in the same legal limbo as the current "Dreamers," brought here as children but at least spared the sickening brutality of Trumpism. Like many aging German citizens, they will be trying to trace the birth parents from whom they were stolen. It never ends.
"Acting" White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney publicly admitted that Trump gangstered the Ukrainian president by holding up the funds voted by Congress unless he dug up something on the Bidens. Apparently "Acting" Mick didn't understand that the microphones and cameras were recording all his words and relaying them to people who own "televisions." This did not stop him from lying about his admission in front of similar microphones and cameras. It was really about "concerns" that Ukraine might have corruption in its government, which we certainly cannot countenance. Oh, and Hillary's emails were investigated for the seventy-fourth time and the Pompeo State Department admitted (grudgingly) that there was no impropriety. This is not over.
During one of his yelling-over-the-rotors briefings, Bonespurs explained why keeping his campaign promise to bring the troops home did not apply to the thousands still in Saudi Arabia: The Sauds pay us. He sees this as the future of American commitment to allies, i.e., the highest bidder. So now we know why Japan is thinking of abandoning its highly understandable opposition to nuclear weapons, while Kim Jong-un (who has, remember, "a beautiful vision" for his country, continues to improve his. Future generations, if any, will not forgive us for the Trump Debacle.

This is how you ever-so-subtly flip the bird to two NASA astronauts who are performing the first all-female space walk, and have just corrected you in front of sniggering flunkies. Note line of womens who have been ordered to stand behind you to correct misconception that you have contempt for all females who are not dumb fuck-toys. First Harry Dunn's parents and now this -- really got that "being presidential" thing nailed.
After abandoning the Kurds (and a well-stocked American base) to the invading Turkish army, Commander Bonespurs wrote to his friend Erdogan suggesting that he might not want to do what he had been encouraged to do to all those "terrorists," concluding, "Don't be a fool!", a letter Erdogan understandably threw in the trash. "I told you that idiot would change his mind," he probably told aides. "And now I have to talk to the other idiot." Sure enough, Pence arrived to broker a "cease fire" which was nothing of the kind, didn't stop the bombing, and required the Iraqi Kurds to go somewhere else (unspecified, but you can be sure it doesn't mean the United States). So Erdogan got everything he wanted except Fethullah Gulen, who has taken refuge among the Amish if he knows what's good for him. It's the season for treachery.
As visions of emoluments danced in his head, Trump announced that the next G7 would pump some cash into his flatlining Miami resort. But before the staff could start bringing the kitchen up to code,
some of his Best People persuaded him that one more impeachable offense might create a deluge that even Moscow Mitch could not hold back. Or as the inevitable shitter-twitter put it, "Based on both Media & Democrat Crazed and Irrational Hostility," six leaders and their support staffs will get a reprieve next June, just as the House prepares to vote on the Articles of Impeachment. It should be quite a party, with Trump lobbying frantically for his boss Putin to be re-admitted and Ivanka circulating among the adults, trying to look like she knows the difference between the IMF and the World Bank. Biltmore is lovely in spring. Michael Jackson's Neverland? Area 51?
Maybe not impeachable -- although that branch of law breaks new ground every few hours -- but post-removal Trump should be charged with kidnapping. The Department of Homeland Security has not only ignored court orders to reunite families separated at the Mexican border, it is actively making the separations permanent by encouraging private adoption agencies to turn over (and probably sell) migrant children to American couples. One of them, Bethany Christian Services, is known to have ties to the Prince/DeVos crime syndicate. At adulthood, these children will probably find themselves in the same legal limbo as the current "Dreamers," brought here as children but at least spared the sickening brutality of Trumpism. Like many aging German citizens, they will be trying to trace the birth parents from whom they were stolen. It never ends.
"Acting" White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney publicly admitted that Trump gangstered the Ukrainian president by holding up the funds voted by Congress unless he dug up something on the Bidens. Apparently "Acting" Mick didn't understand that the microphones and cameras were recording all his words and relaying them to people who own "televisions." This did not stop him from lying about his admission in front of similar microphones and cameras. It was really about "concerns" that Ukraine might have corruption in its government, which we certainly cannot countenance. Oh, and Hillary's emails were investigated for the seventy-fourth time and the Pompeo State Department admitted (grudgingly) that there was no impropriety. This is not over.
During one of his yelling-over-the-rotors briefings, Bonespurs explained why keeping his campaign promise to bring the troops home did not apply to the thousands still in Saudi Arabia: The Sauds pay us. He sees this as the future of American commitment to allies, i.e., the highest bidder. So now we know why Japan is thinking of abandoning its highly understandable opposition to nuclear weapons, while Kim Jong-un (who has, remember, "a beautiful vision" for his country, continues to improve his. Future generations, if any, will not forgive us for the Trump Debacle.

This is how you ever-so-subtly flip the bird to two NASA astronauts who are performing the first all-female space walk, and have just corrected you in front of sniggering flunkies. Note line of womens who have been ordered to stand behind you to correct misconception that you have contempt for all females who are not dumb fuck-toys. First Harry Dunn's parents and now this -- really got that "being presidential" thing nailed.
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