Thursday, April 19, 2018

Baby on board

Image result for tammy duckworth pictures

And now, a tribute to Donald J. Trump.

For a man celebrated for his lack of self-control, you have shown remarkable restraint in tweeting about Senator Tammy Duckworth.  She is everything you hate:  a woman, a veteran, disabled, a Democrat and Asian-American.  She named you Cadet Bonespurs.  She has no use for your bullshit in the name of phony bi-partisanship.  And now, she has milk coming out of her...wherever.  On the Senate floor.   People are worried about you.

Senator Duckworth successfully challenged a rule about bringing family members into the august chamber where Preston Brooks once beat the crap out of Charles Sumner and got off without even a censure.  Where John Rankin used to dog-whistle the rednecks by revealing the "real" names of celebrities he thought were passing as gentiles.   Where Mitch McConnell refused to allow the President to name a Supreme Court justice because guess.  That bear-pit.  Senator Duckworth is the first senator to give birth -- at age 50, which is impressive enough -- and she will damn well not retreat into the wheelchair-inaccessible cloakroom or the ladies bathroom to nurse her daughter.  If she changes diapers at her desk, too, it can only improve the atmosphere.

Still nothing?  Not even a demeaning racist nickname?  (What's the Thai equivalent of "Pocahontas"?)  Well, I'm going to assume she hasn't been smeared by the White Couch Gang yet.  That is your main source of "information," isn't it?  Meantime, Donald, thoughts and prayers.  We count on you to set the terms of the hate debate.

Lady milk!          


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