Have you seen this man?

This is Joseph Mifsud, a/k/a "The Professor," who tried to peddle "dirt" on Hillary Clinton to George Papadopoulos, according to the Steele dossier. And he's missing, according to his fiancée in Rome. Isn't this fun? Those of you on the social media can expect at least three theories about how Hillary has had him abducted/killed/tortured in the basement of a Roman pizzeria. Go ahead and check. I'll get on with the rest of our show.
I refuse to get involved in the dispute between NRA toadies in Atlanta and Delta Airlines, because both are worthless. ("Go it, crappy airline! Go it, Republiklansmen!" Delta jumped on the bandwagon and announced it would stop giving discounts to card-carrying members of the Murder Lobby, and the state "government" announced it would stop considering some tax boondoggle the airline covets. Who wants to fly with gun-humpers anyway? People who don't mind changing planes in Atlanta on the way from Baltimore to Denver.
It was an up-and-down day for Jared Kushner. His security clearance was downgraded to "don't trust this weasel with secret stuff." At the same time his real estate company, Kushner Cos, announced negotiations to buy out Vornado for a controlling interest in 666 Fifth Avenue. Looks like Slumlord-in-law came into some rubles.
The Justice Department says it's slightly closer to banning bump stocks like the one used in the Las Vegas
Speaking of mass murder, Stoneman Douglas students who survived the shooting are getting death threats from the sort of panty-pissers who hide behind screen names like "LIBTARDSMUSTDIE," and complaints from Blightbart about how unfair it is that they can't be more openly mocked. Hang in, kids, anonymous death threats are the valentines of cowards.
A grain of truth emerged from the CPAC fuckfest when one official observed that Michael Steele had become chairman of the RNC because he's black, "and that's wrong." Steele pronounced himself shocked, SHOCKED, that there is racism in his party. The fact that it took him this long to acknowledge the obvious proves, ironically, that he was an affirmative-action hire.
In all the chaos of Florida, Syria and the Olympics, there has been little news from Puerto Rico. Electricity is still spotty, and the governor is still trying to get an accurate count of the dead, so it doesn't sound like normality is back. Thousands of people are re-locating to El Norte, and after they secure work, school and a place to live, we must hope they register to vote.
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