Thursday, November 16, 2017

No excuse

It was eleven  years ago.  You were a professional comedian doing something altruistic, touring with the USO.  You didn't hold public office then.  She was over 21.  She works for Fox News now.  It only happened once.

No excuse, Senator Franken.  Or as someone wrote over at Wonkette, "Et tu, Al?"

You apologized.  You didn't deny.  Nobody tried to brush it away by claiming Biblical license (in  your case I'd go with randy old King David), or calling Leeann Tweeden a liar, or saying it happened because you were a Democrat then.  You yourself called for an investigation by the ethics panel, but it's no excuse for "aggressively" putting your tongue in her mouth.

You have been on the right side of every issue.  You don't set up as a policer of other people's private lives.  If you lumbered onstage with a silly hat and an itty-bitty gun, we'd know it was a comedy bit.  And gosh darn it, we liked you.  

Your constituents will be the final arbiters.  Barney Frank overcame the prostitute scandal, and plenty of New Yorkers would like to see Eliot Spitzer run again.  In a few weeks we'll know if Alabamans want to be represented by "the Don Juan of Cinnabon" (again, thanks, Charlie).  Nobody's perfect, but the double standard requires that you good guys be less imperfect than the others.

So shape up.  Please.


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