So much winning

This is a photograph of Braxton Winston, taken at a demonstration on September 20, 2016, to protest the police killing of Keith Lamont Scott. Yesterday the Black Lives Matter activist was elected to the City Council of Charlotte, North Carolina. Let it stand for all the electoral defeats handed to Donald John Trump and his fellow racist thugs.
It's almost too rich a banquet to consume. The main course was served in Virginia, where Ralph Northam resoundingly defeated Ed Gillespie for governor. Immediately the Orange One and his Trumpanzees identified the problem: Gillespie was not racist and homophobic enough. Really? Twitter now gives you 480 characters to play with and that's all you've got? Don't expect more, because poor Gillespie is now DEAD TO HIM! From New Jersey to Maine to...Helena, Montana (!), voters sent a message:
Larry Krasner, a civil rights lawyer, is the new district attorney of Philadelphia.
African Americans were elected mayor of Milledgeville, Georgia and St. Paul, Minnesota.
As Charlie Pierce put it, "Diversity and inclusion had their revenge."
I need a Bromo.
Sorry to hear about the death of Roy Halladay, a great pitcher and, by all accounts, a good guy. (He appeared in a PSA for #ItGetsBetter while with the Phillies.) I wish baseball players would stop trying to fly their own planes.
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