Friday rag and bone shop

Storm Front is again homeless, having been kicked off its Russian server. It seems the country has a law prohibiting "hate speech." Lousy commies.
Save September 16, Washingtonians. The Rightzis promise the "mother of all rallies" in your city, and the Juggalo Family (disciples of Insane Clown Posse) had already announced a similar event. Should be illuminating. You'll still have Sunday to rest up for Talk Like a Pirate Day.
From Chris Mathews, of all people (yes, the one who thinks Tip O'Neill is the Pierian Spring of political wisdom): "If you can't stand up for core American beliefs, if you can't walk away from Nazism, why do you have feet?" Remind me to stop calling him Tweety-bird.
So what will SNL do with its Grim Reaper costume now that Bannon is gone? So sad!
Trump always said he had a secret plan to defeat ISIS, and he chose this moment to unveil it. In response to a terrorist truck attack in Barcelona, he advised them that General John "Black Jack" Pershing (relax, he wasn't really black) ended terrorism in the Philippines by employing "bullets dipped in pig's blood" against the Muslim Moros. Except, you know, it's utter pig's crap. Does no one in the White House know about Trump seems to think hog products have a magical effect on Muslims. Also, if you shoot their eyes out they can't find their way to Paradise. No, wait, that's a John Wayne movie.
Anybody hear from Guam lately? It's still there, right?
Anybody hear from Robert Mueller lately? Not one leak I can recall. Man runs a tight ship. General Kelly must be envious.
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