Wednesday, March 02, 2022

All in it now


It seems wrong to punish all Russians for the acts of one wanker, but war is hell.

The word of the day is Bayraktar, the Turkish drones being deployed against Russian forces in Ukraine.  Turkey, with its horrific record of locking up teachers and journalists and warring against the Kurds, seems an unlikely ally, but you go to war with the partners you have.  The Turkish economy depends on Russian trade and tourism, but they closed the Straits to Russian ships a week ago, isolating the Black Sea fleet.  Clearly Putin wasn't planning for a long war.  Just as clearly, a lot of countries want this to be over so something like normal life can resume.  Ukraine is not going to give up any territory or accept Russian occupation, so here we are.

For someone who claimed to be coming to the rescue of Ukraine's Jews, destroying the Holocaust memorial at Babyn Yar was not Putin's smartest move.  I suppose RT will claim they were aiming at the adjoining broadcast tower and...oops!  In 1941 33,731 Jews and 70,000 other people were murdered here by the Nazis he claims rule Ukraine.  Of course, he's not alone in throwing the "N" word around -- it's frequently used by American fascists to describe anyone they hate.  Two weeks ago a nutjob doctor named Ben Marble dropped in on Alex Jones to fling it at George Soros, Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the entire World Economic Forum, and to suggest they be killed.  Ron Johnson was impressed enough to invite him to another insane covid "forum."  Usually a rant like that just gets you a visit from the FBI.  Weirdest thing is, they usually call you a "communist" with the next breath.  Words -- how they work?

Typically confused is Lou Dobbs -- yes, he emerges from his burrow every March 2 to predict six more weeks of stupid.  Lou watched the SOTU last night and was reminded of a propaganda movie from the 1930s, "it could have been Soviet, it could have been Nazi," it could have been Gone With the Wind.  What?  No, that's pure history.  I love the scene in Triumph des Willens when the dumb restauranteuse from the provinces heckles the Fuhrer and nothing happens to her.  

Must be, because when Biden talked about veterans with cancer, including his son, Lauren Boebert decided that was the right time to scream "Thirteen!" in an apparent reference to the Americans who died in the withdrawal from Afghanistan.  Not to be outdone, her stablemate Margie joined in yelling "Build the wall!"  Couldn't confirm the rumor that they wrote LETS GO BRANDON across their tits.

  So the world saw that.  Stay classy, ladies.

Did you know presidents routinely delivered their messages to Congress in writing between Jefferson and Wilson?  When did it become the State Opening of Parliament as staged by Quentin Tarantino?  Oh, yes, the night Joe Wilson shouted "You lie!" at Barack Obama.

A Russian who went by the name Motorola when he volunteered to be an "insurgent" in eastern Ukraine told the Kyiv Post he executed more than a dozen Ukrainian prisoners of war.  According to the Times of Israel, Ukraine has promised to repatriate Russian POWs if their mothers collect them at the border like misbehaving children.  If the good guys always won, this would be over.


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