Thursday, February 17, 2022

How many fingers?

 "I think if you compare today's films from [sic] some of his films even a year ago, you see a deterioration in his mental capacity."  


That was Roger Marshall (OB/GYN-KS) pulling out last year's hint that Joe Biden is way too feeble-minded to carry out his job and should immediately -- make way for Kamala Harris, I guess.  Questioned by the fair and balanced Maria Bartiromo, he promised to work with Jim Jordan and Rand Paul on legislation requiring presidents to have an annual cognitive exam.  (If you're keeping score, that's a gynecologist, a self-certified ophthalmologist and a former athletic director of questionable morals pretending to be experts on mental capacity.)  I'll save you some time, Roger.  Here are three questions you can ask right now:

1.  Has Joe Biden ever stared at a solar eclipse without sunglasses?

2.  Has Joe Biden ever told people to drink bleach or eat horse medicine?

3.  Has Joe Biden ever exchanged "love letters" with a dictator who has his relatives murdered and enjoys threatening the United States?

If all three answers are "no," he's fine.

As Steve Benen writes at MSNBC, "Republicans were unsubtle in pushing a similar line in 2020, right up until Biden scored the biggest win for a challenger against an incumbent president since FDR."

Funny he should mention FDR.  In the 1932 campaign, Republicans claimed (not publicly, they weren't completely Reaganized yet) that FDR's disability was the result not of polio but of syphilis.  They've been sleazebags since 1876, when they sold out African Americans to gain the White House.  They're sleazebags still.

At least stop pretending you're "concerned" about Biden's health.  There are qualified people handling that, Roger.  Not pill-pushing drunks like your colleague Jackson over in the House.  Not rape-enablers like Jordan.  So go sniff your collection of pap smears.


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