Friday, December 17, 2021

Protocols of Trump

 Did you know that Israel used to control Congress?  It must be true.  "The biggest change I've seen in Congress is Israel literally owned Congress...ten years ago, fifteen years ago.  And it was so powerful.  And today it's almost the opposite," Trump told a rightwing radio show.  Not any more, because Congress is controlled by "AOC and Omar" (if only) and that schvarze Obama got "a lot" of votes from Jews -- "the Jewish people in the United States either don't like Israel or don't care about Israel."  Also the New York Times which is run by "Jewish people," the Sulzbergers.  And then he got to it:  "The evangelical Christians love Israel more than the Jews in this country."  Last week he was kvelling over Mahmoud Abbas -- "almost like a father, couldn't have been nicer" -- and now he's speaking for both Jews and Israelis.  (Yes, they are separate groups of individuals.)  Trump didn't work this hard when he was putatively the president.

The right seems to be having a sputtering breakdown these days, like a really old string of tree lights.  As the Judiciary Committee labors to confirm the backlog of federal judges, John Gumboforbrains Kennedy chose today to go on the fritz.  Nine times he asked Anne Traum if she thinks crimes should be forgiven "in the name of social justice," as if that was a thing judges do.  Nine times she said no.  "So that's no?"  Then he informed her he would not be voting for her, which had not been in doubt for approximately all day.  And then a serious person had a turn.  

"Witch hunt 3.0" was Roger Stone's description of the January 6 commission before which he repeatedly invoked the Fifth Amendment.  "I did not march to the Capitol."  Neither did Mark Meadows, Steve Bannon, or any of the Fox News personalities frantically texting Meadows to intercede with Trump.  So why the Fifth?  Something you want to tell us?  Not covered by your pardon?

Eric Trump came up with a singular defense against charges that Daddy invited Russian participation in the 2016 election:  stupidity.  "We weren't smart enough to collude with Russia.  We didn't know what a delegate was," he told podcaster Jay Cutler.  Who needs a smart puppet?  Eric seems unfamiliar with the term "useful idiots," usually attributed to Lenin.  But Lara, a Trump only by marriage, appears to be gaining on him.  Not only did father-in-law not tell people to go to the Capitol, despite what we all heard him say, but weeks, no, months before he had warned the Speaker that there was not enough security, so it's all Nancy's fault.  Apparently that's the new line, replacing They were patriotic tourists, They were antifas in disguise, and What riot?

I think this is known in football as "piling on" -- Trump is enraged because Mark Meadows's book described his precious "hair" as "a mess" during the hours he spent in bed with severe covid.  In one of Michael Wolff's books Ivanka provides a hilarious description of the bald-spot-concealing procedure he performs every day, but Princess can do no wrong.  If Trump is as broke as many suspect -- the RNC just earmarked $1.6 million for his legal bills -- he can find work at Starbuck decorating those caramel coffee concoctions.

Who knew the People's Daily had a sense of the ridiculous?



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