Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Give it a rest

In today's installment of "Who's invoking Hitler now?" we present YouTube host Dave Rubin.  After a speech by Greta Thunberg to the Youth4Climate Summit  he tweeted, "Just imagine if this girl had enough power, the horrible things she would do to people.  I could see...images of Hitler speaking up there."  The Reductio ad Hitlerum has been around at least since Leo Strauss coined the phrase in 1951, but it used to be kept in reserve until the loser pulled it out at the end of the debate.  Now it's first out of the box:   A compulsory face mask is no different from a yellow star, vaccines passports might as well be tattooed on your arm, abortion is the Holocaust under a different name and critical race theory is torn from the pages of Der Sturmer.   It's dumb, it's lazy and I'm tired of it.

Greta Thunberg?  The Swedish teenager with the braids who wants politicians to stop bloviating and do something about carbon emissions?  She scares you, Dave?  She reminds you of the man who ordered cities razed and murdered millions?  What a big manly man you are.  If you can't get through the day without a dazzling display of ignorance, here are some alternative bogey-men:  Stalin, Mao, Ceausescu, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Pinochet, Saddam Hussein, whoever the main Taliban is.  If Hitler were alive he wouldn't give a toss about climate change.  He'd be ranting about farm animals facing needless slaughter because two-legged idiots are eating all the Ivermectin.  Hitler loved animals as much as he hated most people.  Tell your followers about that, Dave, and then shut up.  Let Hitler rest in whatever Russian file cabinet his last scraps of scorched bone lie.




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