Ugly Americans
Ruth Bader Ginsburg is being treated for a recurrence of liver cancer and Joni Ernst is overjoyed. If RBG would just hurry up and die, Trump can appoint a third Supreme Court justice, one who will make sure we resume praying in school, voting only with permission and traveling to Canada for abortions and birth control. As Merrick Garland knows, lame-duck presidents are not allowed to do this, but Joni is pretty sure an exception can be made for the greatest president of all time, including the future. (The other Iowa senator Chuck Grassley, who prevented hearings on the Garland nomination in 2016, thinks they should at least be consistent, but he's an old grumpy-pants who should just die, too.)
At least Joni isn't crowing publicly about the death of Rep. John Lewis. Who would do that? Mister Nice Blog turned over a rock at Breitbart so we could all see the MAGAts.
Rev. Robert Turner was outside the Tulsa City Hall on Wednesday, demanding reparations for the victims of the 1921 Greenwood massacre. White demonstrators screamed at and physically assaulted him, using language that hasn't changed since the 1960s. They were there to complain about a city council ordinance requiring face masks in public, but racists can always multitask. After nearly a century, the city is looking for probable mass graves, which the plague people doubtless consider a waste of taxpayer money.
Is it possible that the federal government has resumed executions so Trump can brag about his "law and order" cred to his dwindling fan base and make them forget how many criminals he has pardoned and commuted? I hate being so suspicious.
At a Black Lives Matter protest in Los Angeles, it took four police officers to throw Joshua Wilson out of his wheelchair, damage the chair and handcuff him. They later claimed he had a gun. Joe Friday would be proud.
Marco Rubio wanted everyone to know how well he knew and loved John Lewis, so he tweeted this picture of himself with Elijah Cummings. Everyone point and laugh.

Ellen Rosenblum, attorney general of Oregon, has opened a criminal investigation into the invasion of her state by DHS thugs with generic uniforms and unmarked vans. The US Attorney for Oregon has also called for an investigation.
"What to the slave is the Fourth of July?" Frederick Douglass asked in 1852, and went on to excoriate the celebrations of freedom, independence and other forms of hypocrisy. To Vauhxx Booker of Bloomington, Indiana, July 4, 2020, will always be the day two white men tried to lynch him in the woods. Sean Purdy and Jerry Cox brought along their Confederate flags and threatened to kill him in front of witnesses. Booker is a member of the Monroe County Human Rights Commission but it took public protests to get the two would-be killers indicted. Douglass would have understood.
Those lovable McCloskeys, last seen standing their ground in front of their spacious St. Louis home, have inevitably become the stars of a Trump campaign infomercial hosted by Kimberly Guilfoyle. Wait till they find out about Joe Biden's plan to fire all the police and abolish the suburbs. Your gates will not protect you!
At least Joni isn't crowing publicly about the death of Rep. John Lewis. Who would do that? Mister Nice Blog turned over a rock at Breitbart so we could all see the MAGAts.
Rev. Robert Turner was outside the Tulsa City Hall on Wednesday, demanding reparations for the victims of the 1921 Greenwood massacre. White demonstrators screamed at and physically assaulted him, using language that hasn't changed since the 1960s. They were there to complain about a city council ordinance requiring face masks in public, but racists can always multitask. After nearly a century, the city is looking for probable mass graves, which the plague people doubtless consider a waste of taxpayer money.
Is it possible that the federal government has resumed executions so Trump can brag about his "law and order" cred to his dwindling fan base and make them forget how many criminals he has pardoned and commuted? I hate being so suspicious.
At a Black Lives Matter protest in Los Angeles, it took four police officers to throw Joshua Wilson out of his wheelchair, damage the chair and handcuff him. They later claimed he had a gun. Joe Friday would be proud.
Marco Rubio wanted everyone to know how well he knew and loved John Lewis, so he tweeted this picture of himself with Elijah Cummings. Everyone point and laugh.

Ellen Rosenblum, attorney general of Oregon, has opened a criminal investigation into the invasion of her state by DHS thugs with generic uniforms and unmarked vans. The US Attorney for Oregon has also called for an investigation.
"What to the slave is the Fourth of July?" Frederick Douglass asked in 1852, and went on to excoriate the celebrations of freedom, independence and other forms of hypocrisy. To Vauhxx Booker of Bloomington, Indiana, July 4, 2020, will always be the day two white men tried to lynch him in the woods. Sean Purdy and Jerry Cox brought along their Confederate flags and threatened to kill him in front of witnesses. Booker is a member of the Monroe County Human Rights Commission but it took public protests to get the two would-be killers indicted. Douglass would have understood.
Those lovable McCloskeys, last seen standing their ground in front of their spacious St. Louis home, have inevitably become the stars of a Trump campaign infomercial hosted by Kimberly Guilfoyle. Wait till they find out about Joe Biden's plan to fire all the police and abolish the suburbs. Your gates will not protect you!
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