Malignantly crazy
I had a good lunch, I'm listening to a fine recording of the Tchaikovsky Fifth (Svetlanov and the State Academic Symphony Orchestra of Russia -- you'll never hear the big horn solo played more beautifully), and I guess I'm ready to face the music. The other music, the madness of 2020. I decided not to watch George Floyd's funeral. He already belongs to the ages -- the obscure working man who became in death a symbol of all the racial injustice that this country and the world can no longer ignore. May his family find peace.
Convinced that reform is impossible, Minneapolis is determined to throw out the police department and start over. You may have heard of Philando Castile, but do you know about David Smith, Jamar Clark, Terrance Franklin, Thurman Blevins? Among others. State and county police, perhaps in a show of solidarity, have taken to slashing tires on cars they think belong to protesters. This appears to be a Minnesota problem, which probably means most other states, too. Some cities have already announced plans to "defund" police, both to put the money to better use and to prevent it being spent on more military hardware. Who needs an armored personnel carrier in Cedar Rapids?
Trump and his supporters continue to believe it's all a giant plot by Antifa and "Obama's army" (yes, it's a thing) to overthrow the Leader or just make him look bad, as if Trump can't do that by himself. Trump posing with a Bible, Trump contaminating nasal swabs, Trump turning out all the lights so he can "inspect" the White House bunker -- no self-respecting dictator would stage photo-ops that goofy. The unspeakably ugly iron fence he ordered, or at least approved, to wall himself off from protesters in Lafayette Park is being removed because #Babygate quickly became a memorial to victims of police violence and a place to taunt BunkerBitch. "To the little man in the W.H.," says one, "thank you. This would not have happened without you!"
The little man just keeps handing out more rotten fruit to throw at him. Today he decided to go after Martin Gugino, the 75-year-old peace activist assaulted by Buffalo police over the weekend: "Buffalo protester shoved by Police could be an Antifa provocateur...Martin Gugino was pushed away after appearing to scan police communications in order to black out the equipment. @OANN I watched, he fell harder than was pushed. Could be a setup?" Yes, and the doctors are in on it; that's why they're keeping him in the hospital. Tomorrow they will kill him so the charges against the two police can be upgraded to murder. It takes a Stable Jenius to suss these things out, with help from One America, his new Best Media Friend. (Fox News is full of doody-heads who say mean things and insist on reporting his gloomy poll numbers.)
About those polls: Gabriel Sherman of Vanity Fair, who has the best contacts, reports an ex-staffer describing Trump as "malignantly crazy" because CNN shows him losing to Biden by 14 points. Now it's Jared Kushner who's to blame, never his own gross incompetence. He's already steamed because Slumlord-in-Law graced the cover of Time, which Trump apparently sees as some combination of a knighthood and the Heisman Trophy. (I've been reading about the battle for Berlin in 1945, so it's impossible not to think of Stalin's insane jealousy of Marshal Zhukhov. Except that Zhukhov actually accomplished something.) Will Jared be fired from whatever it is he does? Will Princess cry and get him re-hired? Will Daddy fix all the problems with a speech on race and national unity, as Ben Carson suggested? Will --
What? Yes, now that he fixed the economy by getting two million people re-employed, Trump has time to address the older, more intractable difficulties that the first forty-four presidents ignored. I keep checking but there's no countdown clock in the corner of the screen ("33 hours 17 minutes until America: The Healing"). Who will be the first to follow up the snuffling and the slurring with "Well, tonight Donald Trump became president"? How many flatscreens will have projectiles hurled at them? Anyway, stay tuned as the "senior advisers" craft a barn-burner that covers "COVID and the economy and the race stuff." And WALL?
Speaking of race stuff, there's talk of re-naming the military bases named in honor of seditious generals who fought to preserve slavery, like Fort Hood and Fort Bragg. Hauling Bobby Lee off his pedestal in Richmond has hit a snag in the form of an injunction, issued in response to a complaint from one of the city's heritage lovers. Even cosmetic change faces obstacles, more than 150 years after Lee fought his last battle against the United States.

Convinced that reform is impossible, Minneapolis is determined to throw out the police department and start over. You may have heard of Philando Castile, but do you know about David Smith, Jamar Clark, Terrance Franklin, Thurman Blevins? Among others. State and county police, perhaps in a show of solidarity, have taken to slashing tires on cars they think belong to protesters. This appears to be a Minnesota problem, which probably means most other states, too. Some cities have already announced plans to "defund" police, both to put the money to better use and to prevent it being spent on more military hardware. Who needs an armored personnel carrier in Cedar Rapids?
Trump and his supporters continue to believe it's all a giant plot by Antifa and "Obama's army" (yes, it's a thing) to overthrow the Leader or just make him look bad, as if Trump can't do that by himself. Trump posing with a Bible, Trump contaminating nasal swabs, Trump turning out all the lights so he can "inspect" the White House bunker -- no self-respecting dictator would stage photo-ops that goofy. The unspeakably ugly iron fence he ordered, or at least approved, to wall himself off from protesters in Lafayette Park is being removed because #Babygate quickly became a memorial to victims of police violence and a place to taunt BunkerBitch. "To the little man in the W.H.," says one, "thank you. This would not have happened without you!"
The little man just keeps handing out more rotten fruit to throw at him. Today he decided to go after Martin Gugino, the 75-year-old peace activist assaulted by Buffalo police over the weekend: "Buffalo protester shoved by Police could be an Antifa provocateur...Martin Gugino was pushed away after appearing to scan police communications in order to black out the equipment. @OANN I watched, he fell harder than was pushed. Could be a setup?" Yes, and the doctors are in on it; that's why they're keeping him in the hospital. Tomorrow they will kill him so the charges against the two police can be upgraded to murder. It takes a Stable Jenius to suss these things out, with help from One America, his new Best Media Friend. (Fox News is full of doody-heads who say mean things and insist on reporting his gloomy poll numbers.)
About those polls: Gabriel Sherman of Vanity Fair, who has the best contacts, reports an ex-staffer describing Trump as "malignantly crazy" because CNN shows him losing to Biden by 14 points. Now it's Jared Kushner who's to blame, never his own gross incompetence. He's already steamed because Slumlord-in-Law graced the cover of Time, which Trump apparently sees as some combination of a knighthood and the Heisman Trophy. (I've been reading about the battle for Berlin in 1945, so it's impossible not to think of Stalin's insane jealousy of Marshal Zhukhov. Except that Zhukhov actually accomplished something.) Will Jared be fired from whatever it is he does? Will Princess cry and get him re-hired? Will Daddy fix all the problems with a speech on race and national unity, as Ben Carson suggested? Will --
What? Yes, now that he fixed the economy by getting two million people re-employed, Trump has time to address the older, more intractable difficulties that the first forty-four presidents ignored. I keep checking but there's no countdown clock in the corner of the screen ("33 hours 17 minutes until America: The Healing"). Who will be the first to follow up the snuffling and the slurring with "Well, tonight Donald Trump became president"? How many flatscreens will have projectiles hurled at them? Anyway, stay tuned as the "senior advisers" craft a barn-burner that covers "COVID and the economy and the race stuff." And WALL?
Speaking of race stuff, there's talk of re-naming the military bases named in honor of seditious generals who fought to preserve slavery, like Fort Hood and Fort Bragg. Hauling Bobby Lee off his pedestal in Richmond has hit a snag in the form of an injunction, issued in response to a complaint from one of the city's heritage lovers. Even cosmetic change faces obstacles, more than 150 years after Lee fought his last battle against the United States.

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