Friday, June 05, 2020

The king of comedy

According to an oft-told story, Fats Waller was playing in a Harlem club when Art Tatum walked in.  Waller arose, stopped the band and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, I play piano but God is in the house."

That must be the way writers at sites like The Onion and McSweeney's Internet Tendency and the talk shows, and sometimes even Andy Borowitz feel when they open up their devices and try to take in the latest Trump -- I don't even know what to call them anymore.  Is folie seul a thing?  I'll bet there's a German word that means "diseased pig brain matter in your face exploding."  English fails me.

After nearly two weeks of demonstrations, met in many cases with still more police violence, so many times that a #SayTheirNames campaign had to be started to keep track, after property loss yet to be determined and the mysterious appearance of uniformed thugs with no identification on the streets of Washington, after the world gaped at America shredded down to its last nerve, we needed some good news.  We did not get it.

#BunkerBitch decided this was the day to send us into the weekend with a song in our hearts.  He is, as the British say, chuffed that the unemployment rate plummeted in May from 14.7 to 13.3 percent.  I'm delighted for the two million people who got their jobs back, and I'm sad for the twenty million who are still unemployed.  But wait, there's more.  There's always more.

You know who's celebrating Trump's personal triumph in getting those hairdressers and baristas back on the job?  And from where?  "Hopefully, George is looking down right now and saying this is a great thing that's happening for our country.  It's a great day for him, it's a great day for everybody."  The "George" he referred to as if he were a Pullman porter is of course George Floyd, and Trump has installed him up in the sky with the angels and what's his name, the guy who wrote the Bible.  So that's fine, fixed the economy and the racism, except for pockets of uppity women:

Yamiche Alcindor:  "Black unemployment went up by 0.1 percent, Asian American unemployment went up by 0.5 percent.  How is that a victory?"

BunkerBitch:  "You are something else."

A great day for George Floyd.

Beat that, Borowitz.


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