Saturday, September 07, 2019

How much would you pay?

The economy must be percolating right along, especially for the uneducated white resentful class.  Having ponied up $15 for a pack of ten Trump straws ("America's Favorite Suckers!"), they are now being asked to buy a genuine Trump Sharpie for the low low price of $15 for a pack of five.  Those who never mastered writing can use them to draw, for instance, Hitler mustaches on pictures of Ilhan  Omar.  Hours of fun for the whole clan!

I can remember when real presidents used multiple pens to sign significant pieces of legislation and then distributed them to the invited dignitaries.  For instance, when Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act he handed the first pen to Martin Luther King.  (I often wondered what those joined-up signatures must have looked like.)  When the dotard appends his monkey's-EEG signature to something he considers important, like a pardon or a "hereby order," he holds it up proudly as proof of literacy.  Then he sells the pen.  Great times.  I suppose the company that makes Sharpies is fine with this.  You can learn all about it here (what, you think I don't do research for these outbursts?).  Only a few models contain xylene, which, they advise, may cause nerve and organ damage.

No kidding.


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