Thursday, October 25, 2018

The unusual suspects

Well, the demon rats almost got away with it.  There's a fine line between clever and stupid, as Nigel Tufnel once observed, and they got close enough to touch it.  But they weren't clever enough to fool the great minds of the right.

For a while the bombs looked like the work of a devoted Trumpanzee -- the misspelled names(Brenan, Shultz), the confusion of CNN with MSNBC, and the apparent assumption that people like the Clintons and the Obamas stroll outside in their bathrobes to pick up the mail.  The "MAGAbomber" went right down the Trump Enemies List -- Barack Obama, Hillary and Bill Clinton, George Soros, Maxine Waters, Eric Holder, John Brennan, Robert DeNiro, Joe Biden -- so you look at the enemies he omitted, sheeple!  Where is the failing New York Times?   Why DeNiro and not "Alex" Baldwin?  WHAT ABOUT COLIN KAEPERNICK?

It's so obvious.  The flag could not be falser.

It's also a wonderful distraction.  Force the on-air talent to vacate the studio in mid-segment, as happened with CNN, and you have their undivided attention.  They will forget all about Jamal Khashoggi, murdered, dismembered and buried in the garden of the Saudi consul's residence -- and he was a fellow journalist.  They will barely nod in passing at the amazing news that the president* is a willful, stupid child who refuses to use a phone that can't be overheard by Chinese spies and therefore anyone else.  (But her emails!)

And they will totally overlook another major victory for Vladimir Putin and his long-range plan to Make Russia Great Again by dominating Europe.  At the urging of John Bolton, Secretary of State in all but name (because even this supine Senate would never confirm him), Trump is about to shred the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces treaty signed in 1987 by Reagan and Gorbachev.  It removed several thousand Pershing and cruise missiles from Europe, along with Soviet SS-20 missiles.  Now Putin will be free to put his back, while Trump whines that the Europeans are not paying enough for us to do the same.  "Do they really not understand in Washington what they are about to do?" exclaimed Mikhail Gorbachev (yes, he's still alive, and no, they don't).  "Trust, but verify," Reagan said then, quoting a Russian proverb.  And we thought he was senile.

There is no politics as usual, because usual is dead.  This is war.  Chuck Schumer should order jackets with DEMON RATS written in sequins.  October 24, 2018, is a date that will live in infamy.  It was sheer luck that nobody died.


Blogger john_burke100 said...

It's refreshing to see you using the s-word without apology. I understand a lot of well-meaning parents teach their children it's the most taboo insult of all--someone on Language Log reported hearing one three-year-old say to another "Don't say it! Don't say it!" And I can see why its use might be discouraged among the young--it's easy to over-use it, which dilutes its effectiveness. But in the case of the Prez I think it's warranted. Admittedly it has to compete for relevance with other descriptors--cruel, corrupt, ignorant, vain etc. But stupid belongs in there, and I'm glad you don't hesitate to apply it.

6:58 AM  

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