Wednesday, October 03, 2018

Self-eating bacteria

I'd like to think -- no, I need to think -- that Donnie Degenerate stepped on his mushroom last night in Mississippi Goddam (as Nina Simone indelibly named it).  Turn off the sound, I implore you, and look at the slack-jawed faces around him as he mocks a victim of sexual assault.  They look a lot like their grandparents, in the foreground grinning into the camera while a body hangs from a tree behind them.  Deeper in the background, out of focus, you can just make out the marble statue of some seditious general on a horse.  So much beauty.

I had a feeling that, after being laughed out of the United Nations by real leaders, the bloated orange slob would seek emotional comfort food in the Incest Belt.  And that was just a warm-up -- wait till he gets to Texas to stir up the mob for Canada Cruz.  Staring at defeat, Teddy has chosen to forget that the slob called his wife ugly and accused his father of murder.  Teddy's a real mensch.  So the slob will warn another mob of mouth-breathers that young (white) men are the real victims when these tramps can ruin their lives over a little assault.  The slob has already forgotten that women have the vote.  

The three "mavericks" Flake, Collins and Murkowski, have pronounced themselves troubled, even "appalled," by their Leader's obscene performance.  Of course, what they say to CNN doesn't matter.  All that matters is what they say when the clerk calls their names and they have to answer "Yes" or "No" to putting the drunken rapist on the Supreme Court.  The excuses they make afterward will also be worth less than a spoonful of spit.  Mitch McConnell (R-Kinfucky) has promised to ram the vote through this week, so we'll find out if even one of them can withstand the twitter-storm, the Blightbart outrage and the wrath of Lindsey Graham (like being pecked by a day-old duckling but much funnier).  If Brett-bro doesn't get his candy because the orange slob couldn't keep his mouth shut, well, that will be the best joke of all.    


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