Straws in the wind
It's Thursday, time to clear out all the scraps of paper that have accumulated.
Why is the great Nina Simone being inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame? Leonard Bernstein was significantly more involved in rock than she was. What we need is a Singers Hall of Fame.
I have never been a witness to "reality" television, so I had never heard of Amaretto Manafort (or whatever her name is) until yesterday, when she jumped or was pushed from her lucrative job in the White House. I still don't know what she did there, but apparently neither does anyone else. After years of being around Trump, she suddenly began to suspect him of racism. I hope her work did not involve logic or reasoning.
Roy Moore, classy to the last, refuses to concede the Senate election. He can't believe his God wants a Democrat to win. But there's a problem about God: As J.K. Rowling tweeted yesterday, "She's black."
During one of the endless attempts to destroy the ACA last May, Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) said, "My understanding is that [the new proposal] will allow insurance companies to require people who have higher health care costs to contribute more to the insurance pool...thereby reducing the cost to those people who lead good lives, they're healthy, they've done the things to keep their bodies healthy." But that was before Brooks was diagnosed with cancer. Karma's a bitch, Mo. You should have led a better life.
The White House threw a Hanukkah bash this week, to which Jewish Democrats were pointedly not invited. Too bad. I understand Huckabee Sanders did "The Jackal." (West Wing reference, y'all.)
Mitch McConnell is hearing footsteps -- the approaching steps of Doug Jones, yes, but also the retreating ones of Marco Rubio, Bob Corker and Mike Lee as they run away from his horrifying tax bill. A lot of millionaires may not be able to afford those his & hers sports cars this Christmas after all. You think I'm kidding? Check out the Neiman-Marcus catalogue. In orange and blue.
Blake Farenthold (R-TX) joins the Congressional creeps not running for re-election because people are starting to believe the victims of their harassment. Here he indicates the height of the pile of money we taxpayers remitted to one of his staffers.

You will be missed, Blake. By someone.
It's one thing for wiseass bloggers to trash the trump, but the editorial of the week appeared in yesterday's USA Today. Yes, the journalistic equivalent of Good Morning Dallas. Here's the sentence that will show up on t-shirts: "A president who would all but call Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand a whore is not fit to clean the toilets in the Barack Obama Presidential Library or to shine the shoes of George W. Bush." America's Newspaper credits him with 1,628 lies in 298 days and describes his "unique awfulness." At last even right-wing papers like The Wall Street Journal are beginning to grasp the existential threat to press freedom that Trumpism represents.
Why is the great Nina Simone being inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame? Leonard Bernstein was significantly more involved in rock than she was. What we need is a Singers Hall of Fame.
I have never been a witness to "reality" television, so I had never heard of Amaretto Manafort (or whatever her name is) until yesterday, when she jumped or was pushed from her lucrative job in the White House. I still don't know what she did there, but apparently neither does anyone else. After years of being around Trump, she suddenly began to suspect him of racism. I hope her work did not involve logic or reasoning.
Roy Moore, classy to the last, refuses to concede the Senate election. He can't believe his God wants a Democrat to win. But there's a problem about God: As J.K. Rowling tweeted yesterday, "She's black."
During one of the endless attempts to destroy the ACA last May, Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) said, "My understanding is that [the new proposal] will allow insurance companies to require people who have higher health care costs to contribute more to the insurance pool...thereby reducing the cost to those people who lead good lives, they're healthy, they've done the things to keep their bodies healthy." But that was before Brooks was diagnosed with cancer. Karma's a bitch, Mo. You should have led a better life.
The White House threw a Hanukkah bash this week, to which Jewish Democrats were pointedly not invited. Too bad. I understand Huckabee Sanders did "The Jackal." (West Wing reference, y'all.)
Mitch McConnell is hearing footsteps -- the approaching steps of Doug Jones, yes, but also the retreating ones of Marco Rubio, Bob Corker and Mike Lee as they run away from his horrifying tax bill. A lot of millionaires may not be able to afford those his & hers sports cars this Christmas after all. You think I'm kidding? Check out the Neiman-Marcus catalogue. In orange and blue.
Blake Farenthold (R-TX) joins the Congressional creeps not running for re-election because people are starting to believe the victims of their harassment. Here he indicates the height of the pile of money we taxpayers remitted to one of his staffers.
You will be missed, Blake. By someone.
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