Wednesday, June 21, 2023


 Polls of likely Republican voters have Ron DeSantis consolidating his hold on second place at 26 percent, but he feels confident enough to expand his platform of racism, transphobia, anti-science and antichoice to reach out to sports lovers.  Specifically, he loves baseball because it's so "egalitarian."  All you need is one skill at pitching or hitting and you're in; no need to be a "freak of nature," his characterization of basketball players.  (I recommend watching the CBN interview with no sound to enjoy the full weirdness of the DeSantis head-wobble.)  And racism has nothing to do with it, nope, absolutely not.  

It occurs to me that I know nothing of Joe Biden's sports preference, if any.  I hope it's not baseball.  Even with this year's MLB "improvements" a typical game lasts for hours.  I want the president at his desk even on weekends, digesting the Daily Briefings, taking calls from Zelenskyy or whoever, convincing Kevin McCarthy that he hasn't been pantsed again while deftly pantsing him.  I don't want him poring over box scores.  And really, what is it about baseball that appeals to DeSantis, aside from its high percentage of mediocre white players?

If you found that scene shocking, look away now.  Pro Publica documents that Samuel Alito has been the recipient of much generosity from a billionaire named Paul Singer who had numerous cases before the Supreme Court.  Alito's denial of wrongdoing has already appeared in the Wall Street Journal so we know he's dirtier than Trump's sweaty golf socks folded into a box of classified nuclear documents and stashed in a damp storeroom.  John Roberts will now reprise his admired impersonation of Susan Collins.  ("I'm sure he's learned his lesson.")

By the way, Trump revealed to Brett Baier his ingenious plan to end the war in Ukraine:  "I would tell Zelenskyy something, and I would tell Putin something, and I'd get them into a room."  Now why can't Biden do that?  Needs cognitive test!

Ron DeSantis probably chose this moment to sing "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" because his more refined tastes in sport were about to be revealed.  In a story that combines his fake egalitarianism with Alito's corruption, the Washington Post reveals that he received private flights and a "golf simulator" from rich donors like real estate developer Mori Hosseini, who just happens to chair the trustees of the University of Florida.  In 2018 DeSantis was Hosseini's guest at Augusta National, which excluded women until 2012.  What a surprise -- Augusta's chairman is also on the UF board!  So many serious educators...According to the DeSantis SuperPAC Never Back Down, "Ron DeSantis can't be bought."  However, time-shares are available.

Joe Biden is taking abuse right now for calling Xi Jinping a "dictator."  He prefers president-for-life, chairman of the Communist Party and commander-in-chief of the military.  Biden merely observed that Xi did not know about the balloon full of spy equipment shot down in US airspace last year, and "that's a great embarrassment for dictators."  Meanwhile over on Newsmax Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., is claiming that both China and the US are developing "ethnic bioweapons" designed to "attack people of certain racial types."  According to Junior, both nations are collecting "Chinese DNA, Russian DNA," and engineering viruses to kill accordingly.  Probably the CIA has already collected his DNA, so he's remaining underwater until after the 2024 election.  I wish.  (There is actually no such thing as "Russian DNA."  The people of Russia are as ethnically varied as Americans, with Slavic, Nordic, Mongol, Teutonic, Jewish, Celtic and Caucasian -- as in the region -- ancestry for a start.  Stalin was not an ethnic Russian.  Pushkin had an Ethiopian great-grandfather.  Why am I responding to this idiot?)

Are you degraded?  Are you sure?  That's why Biden hired Karine Jean-Pierre to replace Jen Psaki as his press secretary, according to Tucker Carlson -- "to degrade the country and dispirit the rest of us."  Giving a Black woman born in Haiti such a high-profile job -- "the dumbest, nastiest, most dishonest" person he could find -- means a "total inversion of virtue."  He couldn't go any farther without screaming the N-word and frightening the birds that nest in his barn.  "It makes you feel stupid for going to work."  But you don't go to work, Tuckoo.  You tweet.  I blog.  And I'm not even a little dispirited today.  Get some sun.  Take a nap.  Ask Josh Hawley's guy to write you a book.  You're starting to sound as demented as Trump.

"On Tuesday evening [Lauren] Boebert introduced a privileged resolution to impeach President Joe Biden on the made-up charge that he violated his oath by not stopping illegal immigration."  (Daily Kos)  You know, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and keep the brown people out.  Oh, Lauren, the border is Margie Greene's baby.  Better watch your back in the cloakroom.

Transgendered frogs!  Google it!  I'm done.



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