Friday, January 06, 2023

Closing the deal


You see it too, right?  Ever the patriot, Trump accepts the nomination for a job he doesn't want, because Our Great Country needs him.  He will return to Washington, which he hates and where he no longer even has a gaudy hotel.  He will get up in the morning (occasionally), not to play golf but to preside over a roomful of Left Wing Socialist Woke Marxists and patriots like George Santos and Lauren Boebert and prevent Demented Joe Biden from doing any laws or budgets or forcing children to have their genders changed.  What a guy.

But it must happen today, January 6, "a Great Day in our history!"  I wonder why.

Here's a possible explanation:  Trump has been shilling for McCarthy all week and getting nowhere.  The burn-it-all-down caucus of the party is no longer willing to do his bidding.  It's as if the flying monkeys not only refused to obey the Wicked Witch but started shitting on her from a great height.  The terrorists who attacked the Capitol two years ago on his orders are going to prison or already there.  No matter how much he blames Mitch McConnell for the 2022 red fizzle, he's forever joined to losers like Walker, Bolduc, Oz, Mastriano, Lake, Fincher, Dixon and Masters.  His big locked-door announcement party barely made the news.  (No gold escalator.)  And now Jack Smith's in town and he hates to go home without an ugly yellow scalp hanging from his belt.

McCarthy loses No. 12.  But for the first time he got 214 to Jeffries's 212.  Nobody nominated Trump.  

"We never had to deal with this much chaos when George Santos was Speaker."  (Jamie Raskin tweet)

Elsewhere in the building Joe Biden is presenting the Presidential Citizens Medal to some of the people who defended the Capitol two years ago and later defended the vote itself.  Probably this was scheduled when everyone thought the House would have managed to pick a Speaker by now.

Conservative Action Project wants someone other than McCarthy and published a letter celebrating the Boeberts (as I've decided to call them) for their "courageous efforts to find a Speaker who will represent the interests of conservatives."  And one of the signatories is Ginni Thomas, demonstrating that she still does not know what "conflict of interest" means.  McCarthy lost Big Ginni and his thirteenth vote -- may as well go home.  To Bakersfield, where they're getting slammed with rain after years of drought and might like their Congressman to show some interest.

"Where they burn books, soon they will burn penguins," someone said (not Heine).  Goofy Florida has done it again.  The Lake County School District banned And Tango Makes Three, a 2005 children's book about two male penguins in the Central Park (NY) Zoo who built a nest together and raised a chick called Tango.  (True story.)  As one Florida resident has said many times, "The world is laughing at us!"

This is delicious.  "Stop the Steal" organizer Ali Alexander is going Old Testament on Margie Greene, yelling, "I will not suffer this harlot!  I will not be taught vows and loyalty, commitment from a whore!"  That's just the warm-up.  Alexander goes on, "In the coming days I am going to reveal that Marjorie Taylor Greene...committed a crime!"  No, of course not the insurrection:  "Everyone will know about your drunken night..."  Do we have to wait?  Can't you tell us now?  Was Earl "Cruddy" Carter, my sorry-ass Congressman, involved?  Oh, please.  

Popcorn won't do.  I'll have what he's having.



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