Friday, April 01, 2022

April folly

 More than a week ago the Ukrainian foreign ministry announced that 2,389 children had been transported to Russia from the Donetsk and Luhansk districts.  This has been confirmed by the US embassy.  I check every day, but there is no sign of outrage from the child-trafficking-obsessed QAnon.  There are so many places to hide children in Russia.  Why were they abducted?  Does Putin need their adrenomagic?  Tucker Carlson says Disney has "a sexual agenda for six-year-old children," but if he has a problem with Russia's agenda he's keeping quiet.  I'm starting to think the right isn't all that worried about kids unless Tom Hanks or a pizza parlor with an imaginary basement might be involved.  Empty Greene is tight with Q but she has also been uncharacteristically quiet.  It's almost as if Q was invented in some Moscow bot farm.

Well, what about Afghanistan?  Foreign sanctions are hitting it harder than Russia since there was already a drought and a famine, and the Taliban are finding out that governing people is harder than brutalizing them.  Save the Children says fourteen million children face starvation, and over 13,000 babies have died of malnutrition this year.  Now that Afghanistan is an unquestionably Islamic state (schools scarce, burkas everywhere, dismemberments and executions galore), I assume oil-rich countries like Saudi Arabia and the Emirates will take the lead in -- no?

Once upon a time CBS (which just hired Mick Mulvaney, remember) thought enough of Lara Logan to employ her on its "flagship" magazine show 60 Minutes.  Then she filed a "flawed" report about Benghazi and was asked to leave.  Smelling a Hillary-hater, Fox News snapped her up and has now spat her out, and she has descended into wingnut podcast-land to spout the party line about "moron" Zelensky and evil vaccines (Fauci = Mengele sort of thing).  In her copious spare time Logan has read deeply in Erich von Daniken-style history and concluded that the force behind absolutely everything is -- 

"Does anyone know who employed Darwin, where Darwinism comes from?  Look it up:  the Rothschilds!  It goes right back to 10 Downing Street, and the same people who employed Darwin, and that's when Darwin wrote his theory of evolution and so on and so on."

I looked it up.  Darwin published The Origin of Species in 1859; Benjamin Disraeli, if that's what she's subtly hinting at, became prime minister in 1868.  Nobody ever employed Darwin, he was an heir to the Wedgwood Pottery fortune.  I'm confused.  

Of course I didn't go to school in apartheid South Africa; Logan and I must have read radically different history books.  Her sources lean more to Political Val Craft, which has figured out the connection between Glass-Steagall, Teutonic Zionist financiers, Queen Elizabeth II, the American Civil War, Barack Obama and the assassination of James A. Garfield.  I am told that Logan was not like this until she suffered a horrendous sexual assault, but I refuse to insult the many victims of rape who did not lose their minds by making that excuse for Logan.

Who assaulted Bruce Wayne Ivey?  The January 6 insurrectionist told the court he "genuinely believed" there was a "global secret state that was plotting to kill off the majority of the human population."  (I wonder if he knows what a tiny minority white people are.)  For this the judge gave him probation, a fine, and ordered him to seek psychiatric treatment.   

Remember how Joe Biden used the term "new world order" and caused the punditocracy to lose their minds?  And a poll conducted twenty minutes later announced his approval had never been lower?  Yesterday the Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov said in Beijing that Russia and China were building a "new democratic world order" and apart from the snickering there wasn't a sound.  Has NWO become an all-purpose term like "Nazi" which changes colors depending on who says it? 

Is Tulsi Gabbard a Russian agent?  According to Russian TV's Vladimir Soloviev, "Da."  You can't believe anything on Russian TV, but it helps explain why Gabbard abandoned her defamation lawsuit against Hillary Clinton, who outed her in 2019.

In a development that Admiral James Stavridis compared to the Doolittle raid on Tokyo, an airstrike hit an oil depot in Belgorod, Russia.  Ukraine denies responsibility but it's hard not to hope they did it.  Russian troops sent into Chernobyl are supposedly showing symptoms of radiation sickness -- the hazmat suits must be in a warehouse in Omsk next to the tank camouflage.  And today is draft day in Russia.  Just what Mother Russia needs, more unwilling, undertrained rookie soldiers.






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