Friday, January 28, 2022

Bomb cyclone

As if those words aren't terrifying enough on their own, the weather boffins have shoved them together to describe heavy snow coupled with hurricane-like winds.  It's known scientifically as "explosive cyclogenesis," which sounds more like the terrible consequences of too much spicy food.  Anyway, it's coming, and you can bet Joe Biden will be blamed.

Already the schizofascists cycle between calling him a confused old man in the grip of dementia and a James Bond villain who can control the weather.  This nonsense surfaced during the Big Texas Freeze last February, possibly as a way of distracting from the state government's incompetence and its AWOL senator.  Politifact found it necessary to deny the reality of "Joe Biden's 'Dark Winter' statement," because the Venn diagram of the credulous and the Republican is a perfect circle.  By Sunday someone will have a very elaborate theory of how Jofeld (Dr. Jo?) blizzarded the Northeast to make it look like he didn't freeze Texas a year ago.  See if I'm wrong.

The Secret Powers conspiracy theory got a big boost this morning when a bridge collapsed in Pittsburgh hours before Biden arrived -- to make a speech about infrastructure.  Coincidence?  There are no coincidences in MAGAland, only shadowy plots and diabolical powers.  The White House should use this belief-system to scare idiots into doing its bidding.  "What's that, Senator Sinema?  No electricity in Phoenix?  Yeah, looks like a little hiccup at Palo Verde.  Sure would be easier on everyone if it wasn't 130 degrees.  Wouldn't it?"  

This is Biden's familiar, Willow.

How much does a manchin cost?  Ask Ken Langone.

How dumb is Nikki Haley?  The Trumpoid UN ambassador thinks Biden and Kamala Harris should both resign because they haven't declared war on Russia, or something.  Some random Twitter folks schooled her about presidential succession at #PresidentPelosi. 

Martin Hirsch, director of all the hospitals in Paris, has enraged pretty much everyone by suggesting that hospitals charge people who refuse to get a covid vaccine and then expect care.  In other news, a boy in St. Louis burned his hand and, on the advice of his pediatrician, his mother took him to a hospital emergency room.  The family was billed $1,012 even though the only provider they saw was a nurse who took information and gave no treatment.  Others have been soaked a "facility fee" who saw a doctor online and never went near the hospital.  In other words, there is civilization and there is squeezing every possible cent out of the customer.  I mean patient.

The New York Mayor's Office advises a covid test for anyone who has been near "Typhoid Sadie" Palin, who took advantage of her recent visit to eat in fancy restaurants with tablecloths and stuff.  Could be a rough week for Tina Fey.

Trump showed up on whatever Lou Dobbs does now to complain that his publisher can't get paper, glue, etc., to publish his new "book."  His publisher is Junior Trump.

Direct from California, this is the "stealth Omicron" variant, BA.2.  You don't want to know.



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