Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Reprehensible views


The Conservative Political Insurrection Conference, which is all about the free speech, felt it necessary to explain that Young Pharaoh's "reprehensible views" got him cancelled, like "all the censorship & pedophilia on social media is being done by Israeli Jews."  Otherwise, they might be accused of racism.  Apparently they had no idea he was an anti-Semite when they booked him; it was brought to their attention by Media Matters.  As long as Mr. Pharaoh confined himself to conspiracy theories about vaccines and Hillary Clinton, no problem.  Good to know there's still a red line.

Christopher Pekny, 28, was killed and his brother Michael, 27, seriously injured while rigging a bomb in a garage in Liberty, NY.  Oaf Keepers?  Babaloo Bois?  No, they were preparing for a gender reveal party, a custom mercifully dormant during the worst of the pandemic. Americans are getting back to normal, as dumb as ever.

Ted Cruz is no longer blaming his young daughters for his bad judgment.  He has reverted to a favorite target, the media, casting about for something to criticize now that Trump is mostly gone from our lives and screens.  Ted had some advice:  "Don't be assholes.  Just, you know, treat each other as human beings, have to some degree some modicum of respect."  Then he went back to work, questioning Merrick Garland about something Eric Holder did in 2012.

Jim Jordan will be the next to demand better treatment as George Clooney begins producing a documentary about the sexual abuse scandal at Ohio State, when Jordan was a wrestling coach there.  Sports Illustrated called it "the most widespread sexual abuse scandal in the history of American higher education."  If I were Hunter Biden I'd arrange to be on a retreat in the Himalayas when this is released.

Michael Cohen has presumably seen Trump's tax records, and he suggests his former client think about "getting a custom made jumpsuit."  He hasn't been wrong so far, apart from signing on with Trump in the first place, but why should prison garb fit better than his suits from the Homer Simpson collection?

His name is Ron Johnson, he comes from Wisconsin, and he uncorked a ton of gaslighting at today's hearing about the abortive coup of January 6:  It was "leftist agitators" and "antifa" using a crowd of peaceful patriots singing "We Shall Overcome" as cover for their dastardly attack.  He may actually believe this.  He won "Stupidest Senator" every year until Alabama sent up Tommy Tupperware.

Did you know that Facebook  has an Oversight Board?  And that Trump is begging them, with tears in his eyes despite being "Mr. Man" (Limbaugh's term), to be let back on?  If they don't he'll have another grievance to air at CPAC.  Attendees should bring power bars and urine bags -- this could take a while.

Snowflake isn't doing badly compared to these poor strays in Dzerzhinsk, Russia, near an abandoned chemical plant.


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