Saturday, November 28, 2020

Count every vote!

 The recount in Milwaukee County is over, and Joe Biden had a net gain of 132 votes.  It didn't cost his campaign $3 million, either.  Tomorrow Dane County will report and that should end it.  Trump has now lost Wisconsin twice, Michigan twice, Pennsylvania three times, and is demanding a third loss in Georgia.  For someone who can't stand to lose, that's a lot of losing.  Maybe he will insist on a recount in Texas just to cheer himself up.  

Nothing seems to be going right.  Trump's mad at his own golf course, swearing at a bad shot instead of his usual practice of simply falsifying the scorecard.  (He should be better after 300 games in less than four years.)  He's mad at Twitter, his indispensable megaphone, because its "trending" numbers no longer favor his lies and are therefore totally fake.   "For purposes of National Security, Section 230 must be immediately terminated!!!" lest people actually think that #DiaperDon has more readers than #RealDonaldTrump.  What did he expect, sitting at the kiddie table and whining?  Twitter must be counting the days (53) until they can terminate his account; others have been suspended for a lot less.  Like his new favorite bullshit source One America News ("Fox With Dementia"), flagged for promoting fake covid remedies.  

He's mad at Brad Raffensperger, possibly confusing him with the press ("really an enemy of the people").  Expect chants of "lock him up" when Trump goes to Georgia to campaign for Loeffler and Perdue and encourage people to vote in another "rigged" election.  And if they lose, ol' Brad better keep in mind that Georgia has seen more than 600 lynchings.  

He's got plenty of mad left for real reporters.  At the Incredible Shrinking Loser press conference, one of them asked if he'll vacate the White House after the Electoral College has its reunion December 14:  "Certainly I will.  You know that.  And if they do they've made a mistake."  He still craves praise for the Trumpandemic:  "Don't let him take credit for the vaccines because the vaccines were me and I pushed people harder than they've ever been pushed before."  Of course, Joe Biden has never indicated that he wants credit for the covid vaccines because he is not a narcissistic sociopath.  If history credits him with speeding distribution and helping to end this disaster, then history is VERY VERY UNFAIR!!!  

Right now the president Trump seems to be rivalling is Woodrow Wilson, in every negative category.  The 1918-1920 "Spanish flu" pandemic killed about 675,000 Americans (there is no way to know how many were infected); more than 265,000 Americans have died in the Trumpandemic, with records for new cases being broken every day.  Wilson re-introduced racism into the federal government, and Trump has checked that box.  The only thing left is an overseas war, and the assassinations of Qasem Soleimani and now Mohsen Fakhrizadeh could be his Sarajevo moment -- what a mess to dump on Biden's desk and who cares how many die?  It's what they signed up for, OK?

(Speaking of Biden's desk, why did no reporter ask about it?  I heard a rumor that somebody dinged it up pretty bad with a blunt instrument, maybe a five-iron.  They're trying to restore it -- this is not something you order out of the Ethan Allen catalogue.  Or so I heard.  As for hiring Russian hookers to urinate on it, that's just gossip.)

Someone must have convinced Trump that pardoning Michael Flynn would be hugely unpopular and besides, he'd have plenty of time to do it after the election.  And so it went.  Now the question is, which other felons and degenerates would he love to unleash on society out of sheer malice?  Eric Rudolph, the Olympic Park/lesbian bar/women's clinic bomber?  The fundamentalists would welcome that.  Robert Hanssen?  All he did was spy for Russia.  Terry Nichols?  He's a Sovereign Citizen who went just a tad overboard.  Ted Kaczynski?  A true visionary.  Haven't they learned their lessons?  I'm assuming Steve Bannon and the rest awaiting trial can expect a merry Christmas.  

I've been reading Sebastian Haffner's The Meaning of Hitler, written before reunification, and his thesis is that Germany was the biggest loser in the Second World War.  Moreover,  he thinks this was deliberate on Hitler's part -- the German people let him down and deserved annihilation, or at least terrible punishment.  (Haffner thinks he tried to keep out the western allies and let in the Red Army so their suffering would be even worse, that this underlay the doomed offensive in the Ardennes in December 1944.)  I don't believe that keeping a volume of Hitler's speeches next to his bed influenced a non-reader like Trump, but their personalities are frighteningly similar.  Trump may have concluded quite independently that Americans must be punished for voting wrong (he can't really think eighty million of us voted "fraudulently").  Refusing to do anything about covid may turn out to be the least of what he plans for us.    


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